'Data validation' category


  • Drop down lists (25)

  • How to automatically add new items to a drop down list
    A drop-down list in Excel prevents a user from entering an invalid value in a cell. Entering a value that […]
    How to filter chart data
    What if you want to show a selection of a data set on a chart and easily change that selection? […]
    Prevent duplicate records in a worksheet
    This article demonstrates how to set up Data Validation in order to control what the Excel user is allowed to […]
    Compare data in an Excel chart using drop down lists
    I will in this article demonstrate how to set up two drop down lists linked to an Excel chart, the […]
    How to build an interactive map in Excel
    This article describes how to create a map in Excel, the map is an x y scatter chart with an […]
    Highlight group of values in an x y scatter chart programmatically
    I will in this article demonstrate how to highlight a group of values plotted in an x y scatter chart […]
    Run a Macro from a Drop Down list [VBA]
    This article demonstrates how to run a VBA macro using a Drop Down list. The Drop Down list contains two […]
    Advanced Techniques for Conditional Formatting
    Table of contents How to change cell formatting using a Drop Down list Highlight cells based on coordinates Highlight every […]
    Prevent overlapping date and time ranges using data validation
    The picture above shows an Excel Table with Data Validation applied. An error dialog box appears if a user tries […]
    How to use an Excel Table name in Data Validation Lists and Conditional Formatting formulas
    This article demonstrates different ways to reference an Excel defined Table in a drop-down list and Conditional Formatting. There are […]
    Populate drop down list with filtered Excel Table values
    This article demonstrates how to populate a drop down list with filtered values from an Excel defined Table. The animated […]
    Use a drop down list to filter and concatenate unique distinct values
    Question: Is there a way to have a unique list generated from a list? Meaning I have a sheet that […]
    Add or remove a value in a drop down list programmatically
    This article demonstrates how to add or remove a value in a regular drop down list based on a list […]
    Use a drop down list to display data in worksheet header [VBA]
    Aynsley Wall asks: I have a spreadsheet that I use for 3 different companies. What I would really like to […]
    Apply drop-down lists dynamically
    This article demonstrates how to automatically create drop-down lists if adjacent data grows, there are two methods explained here. The […]
    Dependent drop-down lists in multiple rows
    This article demonstrates how to set up dependent drop-down lists in multiple cells. The drop-down lists are populated based on […]
    Use a drop down list to search and return multiple values
    I will in this article demonstrate how to use a value from a drop-down list and use it to do […]
    Create a drop down calendar
    The drop down calendar in the image above uses a "calculation" sheet and a named range. You can copy the drop-down […]
    Apply dependent combo box selections to a filter
    Josh asks: now if i only knew how to apply these dependent dropdown selections to a filter, i'd be set. […]
    Create dependent drop down lists containing unique distinct values
    Table of Contents Create dependent drop down lists containing unique distinct values - Excel 365 Create dependent drop down lists […]
    Populate drop down list with unique distinct values sorted from A to Z
    Question: How do I create a drop-down list with unique distinct alphabetically sorted values? Table of contents Sort values using […]

    Excel categories