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'Rearrange values' category

Rearrange values in a cell range to a single column
This article demonstrates formulas that rearrange values in a cell range to a single column. Table of Contents Rearrange cells […]
Rearrange values using formulas
The picture above shows data presented in only one column (column B), this happens sometimes when you get an undesired […]
Resize a range of values (UDF)
The User Defined Function (UDF) demonstrated in this article, resizes a given range to columns or rows you specify. This […]
Prepare data for Pivot Table – How to split concatenated values?
This article demonstrates a macro that allows you to rearrange and distribute concatenated values across multiple rows in order to […]

Excel formula categories

AverageChooseCombine MergeCompareConcatenateConditional FormattingCountCount valuesDatesDuplicatesExtractFilterFilter recordsFiltered valuesFilterxmlHyperlinkIf cellIndex MatchLogicLookupsMatchMaxMinNumbers in sumOR logicOverlappingPartial matchRecordsSequenceSmallSort bySort valuesSumSumifsSumproductString manipulationTimeUnique distinct recordsUnique distinct valuesUnique recordsUnique valuesVlookupVlookup return values

Excel categories