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'ISBLANK function' category

How to use the ISBLANK function
What is the ISBLANK function? The ISBLANK function returns TRUE if the argument is an empty cell, returns FALSE if […]
SUMPRODUCT if not blank
This article describes ways to work with the SUMPRODUCT function and blanks, error values, N/A# errors. Table of Contents SUMPRODUCT […]
Count groups of repeated values per row
Joe asks: I have a worksheet that has rows, each containing sequential groupings of values of "1" and "0". These […]
Extract a unique distinct list sorted from A to Z ignore blanks
This article demonstrates ways to extract unique distinct sorted from A to Z ignoring blanks, and based on a condition. […]
Merge two columns with possible blank cells
This article demonstrates two formulas, they both accomplish the same thing. The Excel 365 formula is much smaller and is […]
Extract unique distinct values A to Z from a range and ignore blanks
This article demonstrates formulas that extract sorted unique distinct values from a cell range containing also blanks. Unique distinct values […]
Cleaning Up Excel Worksheets: Eliminating Blank Cells, Rows, and Errors
In this blog post I will demonstrate methods on how to find, select, and deleting blank cells and errors. Why […]

Excel formula categories

AverageChooseCombine MergeCompareConcatenateConditional FormattingCountCount valuesDatesDuplicatesExtractFilterFilter recordsFiltered valuesFilterxmlHyperlinkIf cellIndex MatchLogicLookupsMatchMaxMinNumbers in sumOR logicOverlappingPartial matchRecordsSequenceSmallSort bySort valuesSumSumifsSumproductString manipulationTimeUnique distinct recordsUnique distinct valuesUnique recordsUnique valuesVlookupVlookup return values

Excel categories