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'Permutations' category

Rotating unique groups with no repeat
This article demonstrates a formula What's on this page Question Formula Array formula Explaining array formula Get the Excel File […]
List permutations with repetition and how many to choose from
This article demonstrates a macro that lets you create a list of permutations, repetitions are allowed, based on a number […]
List all permutations with a condition
I got a question a while ago about permutations, in essence how to find every permutation between 0 and 9 […]
Return all combinations
Today I have two functions I would like to demonstrate, they calculate all possible combinations from a cell range. What […]
Find numbers closest to sum
Excelxor is such a great website for inspiration, I am really impressed by this post Which numbers add up to […]
How to create permutations
I discussed the difference between permutations and combinations in my last post, today I want to talk about two kinds […]

Excel categories