'DAY function' category

Date and Time Functions – N to Z
Table of Contents How to use the NETWORKDAYS function How to use the NETWORKDAYS.INTL function How to use the NOW […]
Date and Time Functions – A to M
Table of Contents How to use the DATE function How to use the DATEDIF function How to use the DATEVALUE […]
How to track sector performance in the stock market – Excel template
The image above shows the performance across industry groups for different date ranges, conditional formatting makes the table much easier […]
Get date ranges from a schedule
This article demonstrates ways to extract names and corresponding populated date ranges from a schedule using Excel 365 and earlier […]
How to use the DAY function
What is the DAY function? The DAY function extracts the day as a number from an Excel date. Table of […]
Calendar – monthly view
This article describes how to build a calendar showing all days in a chosen month with corresponding scheduled events. What's […]
How to calculate and plot pivots on an Excel chart
  If you study a stock chart you will discover that sometimes significant trend reversals happen when a stock chart […]
Change chart axis range programmatically
This article demonstrates a macro that changes y-axis range programmatically, this can be useful if you are working with stock […]
Bill reminder in excel
Brad asks: I'm trying to use your formulas to create my own bill reminder sheet. I envision a workbook where […]
Create a drop down calendar
The drop down calendar in the image above uses a "calculation" sheet and a named range. You can copy the drop-down […]
Automate net asset value (NAV) calculation on your stock portfolio
Table of Contents Automate net asset value (NAV) calculation on your stock portfolio Calculate your stock portfolio performance with Net […]

Excel formula categories

AverageChooseCombine MergeCompareConcatenateConditional FormattingCountCount valuesDatesDuplicatesExtractFilterFilter recordsFiltered valuesFilterxmlHyperlinkIf cellIndex MatchLogicLookupsMatchMaxMinNumbers in sumOR logicOverlappingPartial matchRecordsSequenceSmallSort bySort valuesSumSumifsSumproductString manipulationTimeUnique distinct recordsUnique distinct valuesUnique recordsUnique valuesVlookupVlookup return values

Excel categories