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Logical functions

How to use the MAKEARRAY function

What is the MAKEARRAY function? The MAKEARRAY function returns an array with a specific number of rows and columns calculated […]

How to use the BYROW function

The BYROW function puts values from an array to a LAMBDA function row-wise. The LAMBDA function calculates new values based […]

How to use the BYCOL function

The BYCOL function passes all values in a column based on an array to a LAMBDA function, the LAMBDA function […]

How to use the SCAN function

What is the SCAN function? The SCAN function passes all values in an array to a LAMBDA function, the LAMBDA […]

How to use the MAP function

What is the MAP function? The MAP function is a new Excel 365 function that requires the LAMBDA function to […]

How to use the REDUCE function

What is the REDUCE function? The REDUCE function shrinks an array to an accumulated value, a LAMBDA function is needed […]

How to use the LAMBDA function

The LAMBDA function lets you build custom functions using only regular Excel functions, no VBA is needed. These custom functions […]

How to use the XOR function

What is the XOR function? The XOR function calculates the exclusive OR. It was introduced in Excel 2013. What is […]

How to use the SWITCH function

The SWITCH function returns a given value determined by an expression and a list of values. If the expression matches […]

How to use the NOT function

What is the NOT function? The NOT function returns the Boolean opposite to the given argument. TRUE returns FALSE and […]

How to use the IFNA function

What is the IFNA function? The IFNA function handles #N/A errors only, it returns a value you specify if the […]

How to use the IFS function

The IFS function checks whether one or more conditions are met and returns a value that corresponds to the first […]

How to use the OR function

What is the OR function? The OR function allows you to carry out a logical test in each argument and if […]

How to use the AND function

The image above demonstrates the AND function with two logical expressions. If the value in column B is equal to […]

How to use the IFERROR function

The IFERROR function lets you catch most errors in Excel formulas. It was introduced in Excel 2007. In previous Excel […]

How to use the IF function

Checks if a logical expression is met. Returns a specific value if TRUE and another specific value if FALSE.