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'Macro' category

Copy data from workbooks in folder and subfolders
I will in this article demonstrate a macro that automatically opens all workbooks in a folder and subfolders, one by […]
How to copy non contiguous cell ranges
Table of Contents How to copy non contiguous cell ranges How to copy every n-th row from a list 1. […]
User opens or closes a workbook creates an event
This article explains how to set up a workbook so a macro is run every time you open the workbook. […]
A dialog box is an excellent alternative to a userform, they are built-in to VBA and can save you time […]
Multiply numbers in each row by entire cell range
This article demonstrates a recursive LAMBDA function and a User Defined Function (UDF) that multiplies numbers in each row with […]
How to save specific multiple worksheets to a pdf file programmatically
This article demonstrates macros that save worksheets to a single pdf file. What's on this webpage Export all worksheets in […]
Find cells containing formulas with literal (hardcoded) values
This article describes different ways to locate literal or hardcoded values in formulas. The image above shows the result from […]
Find the most/least consecutive repeated value [VBA]
This post Find the longest/smallest consecutive sequence of a value has a few really big array formulas. Today I would like to […]
Working with comments – VBA
Did you know that you can select all cells containing comments in the current sheet? Press F5, press with left […]
Working with Excel tables programmatically
The image above demonstrates a macro linked to a button. Press with left mouse button on the button and the […]
How to highlight row of the selected cell programmatically
Today I would like to share with you these small event handler procedures that make it easier for you to […]
Customize the ribbon and how to add your macros
Save links to your favorite macros in a personal tab on the ribbon for easy access and become more productive. […]
Working with TEXT BOXES [Form Controls]
There are two different kinds of text boxes, Form controls and ActiveX Controls. Form controls can only be used on […]
Show / hide a picture using a button
This article explains how to hide a specific image in Excel using a shape as a button. If the user […]
Hide specific worksheets programmatically
This article demonstrates techniques to hide and unhide worksheets programmatically. The image above shows the Excel window and the worksheet […]
How to use the Scroll Bar
This article demonstrates how to insert and use a scroll bar (Form Control) in Excel. It allows the user to […]
Highlight date ranges overlapping selected record [VBA]
This article demonstrates event code combined with Conditional Formatting that highlights overlapping date ranges based on the selected date range. […]
Count text string in all formulas in a worksheet [VBA]
I will in this article demonstrate a macro that counts how many times a specific text string is found in […]
Locate a shape in a workbook
This article demonstrates how to locate a shape in Excel programmatically based on the value stored in the shape. The […]
Working with FILES
In this blog article, I will demonstrate basic file copying techniques using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). I will also […]
How to change a picture in a worksheet dynamically [VBA]
Rahul asks: I want to know how to create a vlookup sheet, and when we enter a name in a […]
Move a shape [VBA]
This article demonstrates how to move a shape, a black arrow in this case, however, you can use whatever shape […]
Run a Macro from a Drop Down list [VBA]
This article demonstrates how to run a VBA macro using a Drop Down list. The Drop Down list contains two […]
Copy worksheets in active workbook to new workbooks
This article demonstrates several VBA macros, they will save you time if you have lots of worksheets. The first macro […]
Excel calendar
Table of Contents Excel monthly calendar - VBA  Calendar Drop down lists Headers Calculating dates (formula) Conditional formatting Today Dates […]
Extract cell references populated with values [VBA]
This article demonstrates a macro that returns cell references for cell ranges populated with values on a worksheet. Jinesh asks: […]
Sort values in a cell based on a delimiting character
This article demonstrates a macro and a formula that allows you to sort delimited data in a cell or cell […]
Create new worksheets programmatically based on values in a cell range [VBA]
This article demonstrates a macro that inserts new worksheets based on names in a cell range. The cell range may […]
How to create an interactive Excel chart [VBA]
This article describes how to create an interactive chart, the user may press with left mouse button on a button […]
Prepare data for Pivot Table – How to split concatenated values?
This article demonstrates a macro that allows you to rearrange and distribute concatenated values across multiple rows in order to […]
Excel template: Getting Things Done [VBA]
In this article, I am going to demonstrate a simple workbook where you can create or delete projects and add […]
Add values to a two-dimensional table based on conditions [VBA]
This article demonstrates how to place values automatically to a table based on two conditions using a short macro. Cell […]
Add or remove a value in a drop down list programmatically
This article demonstrates how to add or remove a value in a regular drop down list based on a list […]
Open Excel files in a folder [VBA]
This tutorial shows you how to list excel files in a specific folder and create adjacent checkboxes, using VBA. The […]
Toggle a macro on/off using a button
This article demonstrates how the user can run a macro by press with left mouse button oning on a button, […]
Automate data entry [VBA]
This article demonstrates how to automatically enter data in cells if an adjacent cell is populated using VBA code. In […]
Apply drop-down lists dynamically
This article demonstrates how to automatically create drop-down lists if adjacent data grows, there are two methods explained here. The […]
Auto resize columns as you type
What's on this page Auto resize columns as you type - VBA Press with left mouse button on a cell […]
Copy a dynamic cell range [VBA]
In this blog post, I will demonstrate some VBA copying techniques that may be useful if you don't know the […]
Working with COMBO BOXES [Form Controls]
This blog post demonstrates how to create, populate and change comboboxes (form control) programmatically. Form controls are not as flexible […]
Add values to a regular drop-down list programmatically
Table of Contents Add values to a regular drop-down list programmatically How to insert a regular drop-down list Add values […]
How to save custom functions and macros to an Add-In
Table of Contents How to save custom functions and macros to an Add-In How to add a custom-made item to […]
Create a Print button – macro
This article describes how to create a button and place it on an Excel worksheet, then assign a macro to […]
Save invoice data – VBA
Table of contents Save invoice data - VBA Invoice template with dependent drop down lists Select and view invoice - […]
Split data across multiple sheets – VBA
Table of Contents Split data across multiple sheets - VBA Add values to worksheets based on a condition - VBA […]
Find missing numbers
Table of Contents Find missing numbers in a column based on a given range Find missing three character alpha code […]

Excel formula categories

AverageChooseCombine MergeCompareConcatenateConditional FormattingCountCount valuesDatesDuplicatesExtractFilterFilter recordsFiltered valuesFilterxmlHyperlinkIf cellIndex MatchLogicLookupsMatchMaxMinNumbers in sumOR logicOverlappingPartial matchRecordsSequenceSmallSort bySort valuesSumSumifsSumproductString manipulationTimeUnique distinct recordsUnique distinct valuesUnique recordsUnique valuesVlookupVlookup return values

Excel categories