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'OR function' category

How to track sector performance in the stock market – Excel template
The image above shows the performance across industry groups for different date ranges, conditional formatting makes the table much easier […]
If cell equals value from list
This article demonstrates formulas that check if a cell value is equal to any value in a given list. Table […]
If cell contains text from list
This article demonstrates several techniques to check if a cell contains text based on a list. The first example shows […]
IF with OR function
This article shows examples of how to use the IF function with the OR function. Table of Contents IF with […]
How to use the OR function
What is the OR function? The OR function allows you to carry out a logical test in each argument and if […]
How to use Excel Tables
An Excel table allows you to easily sort, filter and sum values in a data set where values are related.
Excel calendar
Table of Contents Excel monthly calendar - VBA  Calendar Drop down lists Headers Calculating dates (formula) Conditional formatting Today Dates […]
Vlookup a cell range and return multiple values
VLOOKUP a multi-column range and return multiple values.
Automate net asset value (NAV) calculation on your stock portfolio
Table of Contents Automate net asset value (NAV) calculation on your stock portfolio Calculate your stock portfolio performance with Net […]
Search for a text string in a data set and return multiple records
This article explains different techniques that filter rows/records that contain a given text string in any of the cell values […]

Excel categories