List all hyperlinks in worksheet programmatically
Table of Contents
1. List all hyperlinks in worksheet programmatically
The macro in this blog post lists all hyperlinks in a worksheet. It also lists all words beginning with "http" or "www". It grabs the hyperlink even if you have a hyperlink function in a cell.
Example, this sheet has two regular hyperlinks (B2:B3) and one hyperlink function (B5) and two web addresses (B7).
This is what the macro returns, the worksheet name in column A. Cell address in column B and the hyperlink in column C.
What's on this webpage
- VBA macro - list all hyperlinks in the worksheet
- Where to put the code?
- How to start macro?
- What happens when I run the macro?
- How do I list all hyperlinks in a workbook?
- How to disable automatic hyperlinking in Excel?
- Get Excel file
1.1. VBA Macro- list all hyperlinks in the worksheet
'Name macro Sub ListHyperlinks() 'The SET statement allows you to save an object reference to a variable 'Save activesheet to object Asheet Set Asheet = ActiveSheet 'Insert a new worksheet and save to object Nsheet Set Nsheet = Sheets.Add 'Save values Worksheet, Address, and Hyperlink to cell range A1:C1 Nsheet.Range("A1:C1") = Array("Worksheet", "Address", "Hyperlink") 'Change to bold font Nsheet.Range("A1:C1").Font.Bold = True 'Save 0 (zero) to variable i i = 0 'Iterate through each cell in UsedRange 'UsedRange returns a Range object that represents the used range on the specified worksheet. For Each cell In Asheet.UsedRange 'Enable error handling On Error Resume Next 'Check if cell has a hyperlink and save the hyperlink to variable lnk lnk = cell.Hyperlinks(1).SubAddress 'Check if no error has occurred If Err = 0 Then 'Save worksheet name to column A based on variable i Nsheet.Range("A2").Offset(i, 0) = Asheet.Name 'Save cell address to column B based on variable i Nsheet.Range("B2").Offset(i, 0) = cell.Address 'Save hyperlink address to column C based on variable i Nsheet.Range("C2").Offset(i, 0) = cell.Hyperlinks(1).Address 'Add 1 to variable i and save result to variable i i = i + 1 'Go here if an error has occurred Else 'Check if formula begins with "=HYPERLINK(" If Left(cell.Formula, 11) = "=HYPERLINK(" Then 'Split formula and save to variable strArray strArray = Split(cell.Formula, Chr(34)) 'Save worksheet name to column A based on variable i Nsheet.Range("A2").Offset(i, 0) = Asheet.Name 'Save cell address to column B based on variable i Nsheet.Range("B2").Offset(i, 0) = cell.Address 'Save hyperlink address to column C based on variable i Nsheet.Range("C2").Offset(i, 0) = strArray(1) 'Add 1 to variable i and save result to variable i i = i + 1 'Go here if formulas does not begin with "=HYPERLINK(" Else 'Split cell into an array based on default delimiting value (space character) and save to array variable strArray strArray = Split(cell) 'Iterate through each value in array strArray For Each vl In strArray 'Check if array value is equal to http or www If Left(vl, 4) = "http" Or Left(vl, 3) = "www" Then 'Save worksheet name to column A based on variable i Nsheet.Range("A2").Offset(i, 0) = Asheet.Name 'Save cell address to column B based on variable i Nsheet.Range("B2").Offset(i, 0) = cell.Address 'Save hyperlink address to column C based on variable i Nsheet.Range("C2").Offset(i, 0) = vl 'Add 1 to variable i and save result to variable i i = i + 1 End If Next vl End If End If 'Disable error handling On Error GoTo 0 Next cell 'Change column widths for A:C Nsheet.Columns("A:C").AutoFit End Sub
1.2. Where to put the code?
- Press Alt +F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
- Press with left mouse button on "Insert" on the top menu.
- Press with mouse on "Module" to insert a module.
- Paste VBA code to code window.
- Exit VB Editor Alt + Q.
Save workbook with file extension *.xlsm (macro-enabled workbook).
1.3. How to start macro?
- Press Alt+F8, a dialog box appears.
- Press with left mouse button on "ListHyperlinks" to select the macro name.
- Press with left mouse button on "Run" button to run the selected macro.
1.4. What happens when I run the macro?
- A new worksheet is inserted.
- The worksheet is populated with hyperlink data.
- Macro ends.
1.5. How do I find all hyperlinks in a workbook?
This macro allows you to find links in all worksheets in the active workbook.
Sub ListHyperlinksInWB() Set Nsheet = Sheets.Add Nsheet.Range("A1:C1") = Array("Worksheet", "Address", "Hyperlink") Nsheet.Range("A1:C1").Font.Bold = True i = 0 For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets If sh.Name <> Nsheet.Name Then For Each cell In sh.UsedRange On Error Resume Next lnk = cell.Hyperlinks(1).SubAddress If Err = 0 Then Nsheet.Range("A2").Offset(i, 0) = sh.Name Nsheet.Range("B2").Offset(i, 0) = cell.Address Nsheet.Range("C2").Offset(i, 0) = cell.Hyperlinks(1).Address i = i + 1 Else If Left(cell.Formula, 11) = "=HYPERLINK(" Then strArray = Split(cell.Formula, Chr(34)) Nsheet.Range("A2").Offset(i, 0) = sh.Name Nsheet.Range("B2").Offset(i, 0) = cell.Address Nsheet.Range("C2").Offset(i, 0) = strArray(1) i = i + 1 Else strArray = Split(cell) For Each vl In strArray If Left(vl, 4) = "http" Or Left(vl, 3) = "www" Then Nsheet.Range("A2").Offset(i, 0) = sh.Name Nsheet.Range("B2").Offset(i, 0) = cell.Address Nsheet.Range("C2").Offset(i, 0) = vl i = i + 1 End If Next vl End If End If On Error GoTo 0 Next cell End If Next sh Nsheet.Columns("A:C").AutoFit End Sub
1.6. How to disable automatic hyperlinking in Excel?
Tip! If you want to stop automatic hyperlinking (Excel 2010) follow these steps:
- Press with left mouse button on "File" on the ribbon
- Press with left mouse button on "Options"
- Press with left mouse button on "Proofing"
- Press with left mouse button on "AutoCorrect Options..."
- Go to "Autoformat as you type" on the menu
- Disable "Internet and network paths with hyperlinks"
2. Find cells containing formulas with literal (hardcoded) values
This article describes different ways to locate literal or hardcoded values in formulas. The image above shows the result from a macro that iterates through each worksheet in a given workbook looking for hardcoded values in formulas.
A link is generated and the formula itself is displayed if a hardcoded value is found.
What's on this webpage
- Find hardcoded values in formulas (Conditional Formatting)
- How can I locate cells containing formulas with literal values?
- How to use the User Defined Function with Conditional Formatting
- Find hardcoded values in formulas across worksheets
- Where to put the code?
- How to run the macro
- Get Excel file
2.1. Find hardcoded values in formulas (Conditional Formatting)
I found this UDF in David Hager's Excel Experts E-letter (EEE) on J Walkenbach's website. You need to apply conditional formatting with a formula that uses the User Defined Function described below.
Conditional Formatting highlights cells with formulas containing hardcoded values, the image above shows which cells contain hardcoded values. They are highlighted green. For example, cell C3 contains the following formula:
=SUM(A2:A5, 5)
The second argument in the SUM function is a hardcoded value, cell C3 is highlighted.
Note, Conditional Formatting is super-volatile and may slow down your workbook considerably. It only highlights cells, you need to find the highlighted cells yourself.
I recommend the macro in section 2. The macro creates a new worksheet and lists all formulas containing hardcoded values as well as links to those cells.
'Name User Defined Function Function CellUsesLiteralValue(Cell As Range) As Boolean 'Check if cell has not a formula If Not Cell.HasFormula Then 'Save boolean value FALSE to variable CellUsesLiteralValue CellUsesLiteralValue = False 'Continue here if cell has a formula Else 'Use like operator to determine if cell formula contains hardcoded values, it returns TRUE if found. 'Characters enclosed in brackets allows you to match any single character in the string. ' The hashtag matches any single digit, the asterisk matches zero or more characters CellUsesLiteralValue = Cell.Formula Like "*[=^/*+-/()<>, ]#*" End If End Function
VBA: Range Formula property | Like Operator | HasFormula property | Declare Range object | If then statement
2.1.1 How can I locate cells containing formulas with literal values?
Use the UDF as your conditional formatting formula, I will explain exactly how in the next section below if you are interested. It accepts a single cell as an argument. It returns True if the cell's formula contains an operator followed by a numerical digit. In other words, it identifies cells that have a formula that contains a literal numeric value.
You can test each cell in the range, and highlight it if the function returns True. The UDF with conditional formatting highlights cells containing formulas with literals, column C. You can get an excel file at the end of this post if you are interested in this technique.
I have bolded all literal values in the formulas, column E. It seems to work with nested formulas also. Boolean values can be expressed as TRUE/FALSE but also 1/0 in Excel. Note, some formulas are built to have hard-coded arguments, like col_index_num in the VLOOKUP function.
2.1.2 How to use the User Defined Function with Conditional Formatting
- Go to the worksheet you want to search.
- Press with left mouse button on the button containing a triangle to select all cells on the worksheet, see image above.
- Go to tab "Home" on the ribbon if you are not already there.
- Press with left mouse button on "Conditional Formatting" button, see image above. A pop-up menu appears.
- Press with left mouse button on "New Rule...", see image above. A dialog box shows up on the screen.
The image above shows the wrong cell reference C2, it should be A1. - Press with left mouse button on "Use a formula to determine which cells to format".
- Type following formula: =CellUsesLiteralValue(A1)
- Press with left mouse button on "Format..." button. Another dialog box appears.
- Go to tab "Fill".
- Pick a color.
- Press with left mouse button on "OK" button.
- Press with left mouse button on "OK" button again.
2.2. Find hardcoded values in formulas across worksheets
I have a large workbook and I am in a hurry!
The authors want you to use it as conditional formatting formula to spot cells containing formulas with literal values, that can be tedious work with a large workbook. I would like to show you how to use the udf to build a list of all cells containing literal values, from an entire workbook.
This picture above shows you what my macro below returns, first a new sheet is inserted. It is then populated with links to all cells containing formulas with literals and their corresponding formulas.
I have reused some parts of Rick Rothstein's macro.
'Name macro Sub FindLiteralsInWorkbook() 'Dimension variables and declare data types Dim C As Range, A As Range, Addresses As String, i As Single Dim cell As Range 'Add worksheet to workbook Sheets.Add 'The SET statement allows you to save an object reference to a variable, in this case the active worksheet Set x = ActiveSheet 'Save text "Link" to cell A1. x.Range("A1") = "Link" 'Save text "Formula" to cell B1. x.Range("B1") = "Formula" 'Save number 1 to variable i. i = 1 'Iterate through worksheets in active workbook For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets 'Enable error handling On Error Resume Next 'Find cells containing constants and save to object C Set C = sh.Cells.SpecialCells(xlConstants) 'Check if C is empty If C Is Nothing Then 'Find cells containing formulas and save to object C Set C = sh.Cells.SpecialCells(xlFormulas) 'Continue here if C is not empty Else 'Returns the union of the two cell ranges and saves to object C Set C = Union(C, sh.Cells.SpecialCells(xlFormulas)) End If 'Iterate through all the ranges in a multiple-area selection. For Each A In C.Areas 'Iterate through all cells in cell range A For Each cell In A 'Use User Defined Function to determine if cell contains at least one hardcoded value If CellUsesLiteralValue(cell) = True Then 'Add 1 to variable i i = i + 1 'Create a hyperlink based on the cell address x.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=x.Range("A" & i), _ Address:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & ActiveWorkbook.Name, _ SubAddress:=sh.Name & "!" & cell.Address, _ TextToDisplay:=sh.Name & "!" & cell.Address x.Range("B" & i) = "'" & cell.Formula End If 'Continue with next cell Next cell 'Continue with next cell range Next A 'Disable error handling On Error GoTo 0 'Continue with next worksheet Next sh 'Resize column A:E widths x.Columns("A:E").AutoFit End Sub
VBA: SpecialCells(xlConstants) | Union | Areas
2.3. Where to put the code?
- Copy User Defined Function CellUsesLiteralValue.
- Go to the VB Editor (Alt + F11).
- Go to the menu and press with left mouse button on Insert.
- Press with left mouse button on Module.
- Paste UDF to your workbook's code module
- Copy macro FindLiteralsInWorkbook
- Paste to the module. Both the UDF and macro should now be visible in the module, see image above.
- Return to Excel.
2.4. How to run the macro
- Go to tab Developer on the ribbon.
- Press with left mouse button on "Macros" button.
- Press with left mouse button on "FindLiteralsInWorkbook" and then press with left mouse button on "Run".
Recommended reading
3. Extract cell references populated with values - VBA
This article demonstrates a macro that returns cell references for cell ranges populated with values on a worksheet.
I have to combine 200 columns into one list. I know. I tried steps from 'Combine cell ranges into a single range while eliminating blanks' UDF, but looks like typing the formula itself is going to be a big deal. Any advice?
(To give a bit of a background, I am trying to compare 200 columns to one column of data and figured it would be easier if I combine all 200 into one column and then compare, it would be easy).
What you will learn in this article
- Create a macro that extracts cell references of populated cells in a worksheet.
- Save the answer from an inputbox to a variable.
- Loop through populated cells in a column.
- How to use the currentregion property with an object reference.
- Iterate through worksheet columns.
- Append values to a variable.
- Add values to a collection variable.
- Insert a new worksheet and save an object reference to a variable.
- Save the result to a given cell.
The following macro moves from column to column and checks for values. If a value is found, the current region property (Ctrl + A) is applied and the cell range address is saved. A new sheet is created and all unique distinct cell references are concatenated using a delimiting character into cell A1.
The current region is a range bounded by any combination of blank rows and blank columns. In other words, the macro creates cell references to all cell ranges populated with values.
3.1 VBA Code
'Name macro Sub ExtractAddresses() 'Dimension variables and declare data types Dim sht As Worksheet Dim CurCell As Range Dim Adr As New Collection Dim c As Single Dim Value As Variant Dim result As String, delch As String 'Show inputbox and ask for a delimiting character, save to variable delch delch = InputBox("Delimiting character:") 'The SET statement allows you to save an object reference to a variable Set CurCell = ActiveSheet.Range("A1") 'Iterate from 1 to the number of columns in your workbook using the FOR NEXT statement For c = 1 To Columns.Count - 1 'The SET statement allows you to save an object reference to a variable, in this case it is next populated cell in column A. It returns the last cell if column A has no populated cells. Set CurCell = CurCell.End(xlDown) 'Loop through following lines as long as cell saved to CurCell is not empty. Do While CurCell.Value <> "" 'Check if the length of the address of object CurCell with currentregion property is larger than 0 (zero) If Len(CurCell.CurrentRegion.Address) > 0 Then 'Enable error handling, an error occurs if a cell reference already exists in the collection variable On Error Resume Next 'Save address of currentregion property based on object CurCell to collection variable Adr Adr.Add CurCell.CurrentRegion.Address, CStr(CurCell.CurrentRegion.Address) 'Disable error handling On Error GoTo 0 End If 'Check if the CurCell row number equals the last row number in workbbok, if so stop Loop If CurCell.Row = Rows.Count Then Exit Do 'The SET statement allows you to save an object reference to a variable, in this case it is the last cell in column A. Set CurCell = CurCell.End(xlDown) Loop 'Save an object reference to the next cell to the right based on variable c to variable CurCell Set CurCell = Range("A1").Offset(0, c) 'Continue with next number Next c 'Iterate through each value saved in collection variable Adr For Each Value In Adr 'Add value to string variable result using variable delch as a delimiting character result = result & delch & Value 'Continue with next value in collection Next Value 'Add a new sheet and save a reference to variable sht Set sht = Sheets.Add 'Save text in string result to cell A1 sht.Range("A1") = Right(result, Len(result) - 1) End Sub
3.2 Where to put the code?
- Copy above VBA code.
- Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor.
- Select your workbook in the Project Explorer.
- Press with left mouse button on "Insert" on the menu.
- Press with left mouse button on "Module" to create a code module named Module1 that will be displayed below "Modules" in the Project Explorer.
- Paste VBA code to the code window, see image above.
- Return to Excel.
Note, save your workbook with file extension *.xlsm (macro-enabled) to attach the VBA code to the workbook.
3.3 How to use the macro
The animated image above shows how to run the macro.
- Press Alt + F8 to open the macro dialog box.
- Select ExtractAddresses.
- Press with mouse on button "Run".
- The macro asks for a delimiting character.
- The macro creates a new worksheet and populates cell A1 with cell references containing values. These cell references have a comma as a delimiting character.
4. Locate a shape in a workbook
This article demonstrates how to locate a shape in Excel programmatically based on the value stored in the shape. The image above shows a worksheet that allows you to specify a value in cell B1 and a button that runs a macro.
What's on this page
- Locate a shape
- Locate a named range/Excel Table
- Locate a chart
- List all charts in a workbook
4.1. Locate a shape
The macro iterates through all worksheets in the workbook and then iterates through all shapes in each worksheet to find a shape with the given text value.
The macro then activates the worksheet containing that particular shape, selects the shape, and moves to the location of that shape.
I need an Excel macro where I can enter a number (value) into cell B1, press with left mouse button on the button below, and the page will automatically go to the corresponding shape, with that same number.
How to use the workbook
- Enter the number you want to look for in cell B1.
- Press with left mouse button on "Find shape" button shown in the image above.
- The macro finds the shape and goes to that worksheet and location.
VBA Code
'Name macro Sub FindShape() 'Dimension variables and declare data types Dim sht As Worksheet Dim shp As Shape 'Iterate through worksheets in active workbook For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets 'Iterate through shapes in each worksheet For Each shp In sht.Shapes 'Check if shape text meets condition in cell B1 If shp.TextFrame.Characters.Text = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B1").Value Then 'Activate worksheet sht.Activate 'Select shape shp.Select 'Scroll to row containing shape ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = shp.TopLeftCell.Row 'Scroll to column containing shape ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = shp.TopLeftCell.Column 'Exit macro Exit Sub End If Next shp Next sht End Sub
Where to put the code?
If you want to use the macro in your workbook you need to follow these steps.
- Copy above VBA code.
- Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor.
- Double press with left mouse button on your workbook name (Locate a shape.xlsm) in the Project Explorer.
- Press with left mouse button on "Insert" on the menu.
- Press with left mouse button on "Module" to create a module in your workbook.
- Paste VBA code to code window, see above image.
4.2. Locate an Excel Table or a named range
To find a specific Excel Table in a Workbook is easy as long as you know the name of it. Type the name in the name box at top left corner of your Excel window, see image above.
This will take you instantly to the Excel Table even if it is located in another worksheet. If you don't know the name of the Excel Table I recommend you use the "Name Manager" to find the Excel Table you are looking for.
- Go to tab "Formulas" on the ribbon.
- Press with mouse on "Name Manager" button.
- The "Name Manager" shows the names of all Excel Tables and named ranges in your workbook along with the worksheet and cell references.
The VBA code below demonstrates how to locate an Excel Table or a named range programmatically.
'Name macro Sub Macro1() 'Go to named range named "BBC", this will also work with cell references and Excel Tables Application.Goto Reference:="BBC" End Sub
4.3. Locate a shape/chart by name
The following macro iterates through all shapes and charts in your workbook looking for the name "Chart 1". When found it goes to that particular worksheet and to the exact location of the shape or chart.
'Name macro Sub FindChart() 'Dimension variables and data types Dim sht As Worksheet Dim shp As Shape 'Iterate through all worksheets in active workbook For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets 'Iterate through all shapes in worksheet For Each shp In sht.Shapes 'Check if name is "Chart 1" If shp.Name = "Chart 1" Then 'Activate worksheet sht.Activate 'Select chart shp.Select 'Go to row that matches the chart location ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = shp.TopLeftCell.Row 'Go to column that matches the chart location ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = shp.TopLeftCell.Column 'End macro Exit Sub End If 'Continue with next shape Next shp 'Continue with next worksheet Next sht End Sub
4.4. List all names of shapes and charts in a workbook
This macro creates a list in worksheet "List" of all shape and chart names in your workbook. It also lists their corresponding cell address and what worksheet they are on.
The list is created in column A and B in worksheet "List", you can change this location, if you prefer, in the macro below.
'Name macro Sub ListShapes() 'Dimesnion variables and declare data types Dim sht As Worksheet Dim shp As Shape, r As Integer 'Save 0 (zero) to variable r r = 0 'Iterate through each worksheet in the active workbook For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets 'Iterate through each shape For Each shp In sht.Shapes 'Save shape name to column A based on variable r Worksheets("List").Range("A1").Offset(r, 0) = shp.Name 'Save shape name to column B based on variable r Worksheets("List").Range("B1").Offset(r, 0) = sht.Name & "!" & shp.TopLeftCell.Address 'Add 1 to the number saved in variable r r = r + 1 'Continue with next shape Next shp Next sht End Sub
5. Move a shape - VBA
This article demonstrates how to move a shape, a black arrow in this case, however, you can use whatever shape you want, using VBA code. Select a cell containing the button name, and the black arrow instantly points to the corresponding button.
What's on this page
- How to change the location of a shape on worksheet
- How to get the top and left value of a shape?
- How to find out the width and height of a shape?
- Get Excel file
5.1. How to change the location of a shape on worksheet
I made a simple picture from an old remote I found, see image above. The macro is actually event code placed in a worksheet module, I will describe this in detail.
The VBA code checks that the selected cell is in cell range F5:F13. If true, then it reads the coordinates on the same row. The shape is then moved to that location. Get the workbook and try it out.
The arrow is hidden if the selected cell is not one of the cells in cell range F5:F13.
5.1.1 VBA code
'Event code is started if a cell is selected Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) 'The With ... End With statement allows you to write shorter code by referring to an object only once instead of using it with each property. With ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Straight Arrow Connector 42")) 'Make sure the selected cell is in cell range F5:F13 If Not Intersect(Target, Range("F5:F13")) Is Nothing Then 'Make the shape visible .Visible = True 'Change the number of points between the shape and the row numbers .Left = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) ''Change the number of points between the shape and the column letters .Top = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2) Else 'Hide the shape .Visible = False End If End With End Sub
Make sure you change the shape name if your shape has a different name. To check the shape name select it and read the name from the name box, see the image below.
You can find the name the top left corner "Straight Arrow Connector 42" which matches the name in the macro.
5.1.2 Where to put the event code?
- Press with right mouse button on on a worksheet tab at the bottom of the Excel window. Make sure it is the worksheet you want to use.
- Press with mouse on "View Code".
- Paste code to the worksheet module.
- Exit VB Editor and return to Excel.
5.1.3 Animated image
I created a small animated image that shows what happens when you press with left mouse button on each cell in cell range F5:F13, note that the shape is hidden if you press with left mouse button on a cell outside cell range F5:F13.
5.2. How to get the top and left value of a shape?
The following macro shows a message box with the left and top points of shape "Straight Arrow Connector 42".
'Name macro Sub Position() 'The With ... End With statement allows you to write shorter code by referring to an object only once instead of using it with each property. With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Straight Arrow Connector 42") 'Show a message box containing top and left points MsgBox "Left: " & .Left & " Top: " & .Top End With End Sub
5.2.1 Where to put the macro code?
- Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor.
- Press with mouse on "Insert" on the top menu.
- Press with mouse on "Module".
- Copy above VBA code and paste to code window.
- Exit VB Editor and return to Excel.
5.2.2 How to run the macro?
You can link assign the macro to the shape which will start the macro each time you press with left mouse button on shape. You can also press shortcut keys Alt + F8 to open the macro dialog box and start the macro from there.
- Press with right mouse button on on shape "Straight Arrow Connector 42".
- Press with mouse on "Assign macro".
- A dialog box appears, press with left mouse button on the macro you want to assign.
- Press with left mouse button on the OK button.
5.3. How to find out the width and height of a shape?
The following macro displays a message box containing the height and width of shape "Straight Arrow Connector 42".
Sub Size() With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Straight Arrow Connector 42") MsgBox "Height: " & .Height & " Width: " & .Width End With End Sub
Put this macro in a module just like the other macro above, this is not event code.
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Worksheet category
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Excel categories
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If you do not mind the addresses for the ranges being presented in a different order, then this slightly shorter macro (which uses a completely different underlying method of obtaining the addresses) should also work...
One comment about your code. I changed the range C17:C21 to formulas (=F10 copied down) and your code worked fine. Then I forced C17 to return a #REF error (put =F1 in a cell, copied it up one cell to produce the error, and then copied that error cell to C17 and then ran your code again. Your code no longer reported the addresses for C17:C21. That is not the strange part, though (I think your Do statement may be filtering it out)... when I corrected the error by copying C18 up one cell to replace the error cell with a valid formula, your code still did not see the range C17:C21. Even after I used PasteSpecial to turn the formulas back to constants, your code still refused to see the range C17:C21. It is as though once the error was introduced to the range, your code somehow still "saw" the original error on subsequent runs even though it was no longer there! I have no explanation as to why that should be happening.
Just to mention, my code above has no problem with cells containing errors. Also, to make things easier to read, I set my code up to report relative addresses (that is, addresses without the $ signs).
One comment about your code. I changed the range C17:C21 to formulas (=F10 copied down) and your code worked fine. Then I forced C17 to return a #REF error (put =F1 in a cell, copied it up one cell to produce the error, and then copied that error cell to C17 and then ran your code again. Your code no longer reported the addresses for C17:C21. That is not the strange part, though (I think your Do statement may be filtering it out)... when I corrected the error by copying C18 up one cell to replace the error cell with a valid formula, your code still did not see the range C17:C21. Even after I used PasteSpecial to turn the formulas back to constants, your code still refused to see the range C17:C21. It is as though once the error was introduced to the range, your code somehow still "saw" the original error on subsequent runs even though it was no longer there! I have no explanation as to why that should be happening.
That is weird, I get a "Run-time error '13' Type missmatch error" (Excel 2010)
Do While CurCell.Value <> ""
Just to mention, my code above has no problem with cells containing errors. Also, to make things easier to read, I set my code up to report relative addresses (that is, addresses without the $ signs).
That is great, it is incredibly fast too! Really interesting approach.
This line is interesting:
Mid(Addresses, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
If you enter the Mid function in a worksheet, you can´t skip the num_chars argument. At least you need to type a comma.
Mid(text, start_num, num_chars)
Mid(text, start_num,)
But it always returns a blank cell. That is not the case when used in a macro.
HI Oscar,
How did you decide LEFT & TOP pixel..
If I insert a Picture in Sheet.. how can I decide its Left & Top Position..
Debraj Roy,
Assign the following macro to your shape:
Press with left mouse button on the shape and a message box shows the coordinates.
You don't have to create a macro to get that information; simply select the shape then, with the shape still selected, go into the VB editor (ALT+F11) and execute this in the Immediate Window (press CTRL+G if you do not see it)...
Thank you for commenting!
Just wanted to point out that you can simplify this line of code...
to this...
The one thing about this that may surprise people (it was a surprise to me) is that Shapes does not require a direct reference to the worksheet object that contains it (like it does if you try to use Shapes in a General code Module). My guess at why is because, being the code is located in a [b]Sheet[/b] Module, Shapes can only be defaulting to it.
Rick Rothstein (MVP - Excel),
Thanks for sharing!
[…] Read more: Move a shape (vba) […]
[…] I have reused some parts of Rick Rothstein´s macro. […]
Given that a Boolean defaults to False, you can simplify your CellUsesLiteralValue function like so...
Actually, if you use the single line form of If..Then, then you can reduce the code to a one-liner (the code area will probably line wrap the single line of code due to its length)...
Well, my previous attempt did not come out so well. I do not understand why, though, as I used the vb code tags as suggested just below the "Leave a Reply" heading. I don't know if this will work or not, but I am going to try. Here is the three-line code without any code tags...
Function CellUsesLiteralValue(Cell As Range) As Boolean
If Cell.HasFormula Then
CellUsesLiteralValue = Cell.Formula Like "*[=^/*+-/()><, ]#*"
End If
End Function
I just noticed in my second posting that the "End If" statement is missing.
That actually looks normal, so here is the one-liner version of it (remember, it might line wrap because of its length)...
Function CellUsesLiteralValue(Cell As Range) As Boolean
If Cell.HasFormula Then CellUsesLiteralValue = Cell.Formula Like "*[=^/*+-/()><, ]#*"
End Function
Rick Rothstein (MVP - Excel),
thank you for commenting.
Oscar, you had given me this formula to show items that are in Column B, but not in A.Array formula in cell C2:=INDEX($B$1:$B$5, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($C$1:C1, $B$1:$B$5)+COUNTIF($A$1:$A$5, $B$1:$B$5), 0)) + CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER. Copy C2 and paste it down as far as needed.
I added a condition to this formula :
C2:=INDEX($B$1:$B$11, MATCH(0,IF($E$1:$E$11="AB", COUNTIF($C$1:C1, $B$1:$B$11)+COUNTIF($A$1:$A$5, $B$1:$B$11)), 0))
Oscar, so column E is criteria for column B. It works for that one condition. I would like to add a condition for column A, but it's returning the wrong result. See below.
INDEX($B$1:$B$11, MATCH(0,IF(($E$1:$E$11="AB")* $F$1:$E$5="DB") , COUNTIF($C$1:C1, $B$1:$B$11)+COUNTIF($A$1:$A$5, $B$1:$B$11)), 0))
How would you do this?
$F$1:$E$5 is a cell ref to to two columns, is this a typo?
Try this:
INDEX($B$1:$B$11, MATCH(0,IF(($E$1:$E$11="AB"), COUNTIF($C$1:C1, $B$1:$B$11)+IF($F$1:$E$5="DB",COUNTIF($A$1:$A$5, $B$1:$B$11),0)), 0))
That was a typo. Will that make a difference to the formula?
I'm comparing the A column to B.
=INDEX($A$1:$A$11, MATCH(0,IF(($B$1:$B$11="AB"),COUNTIF($E$1:E1, $A$1:$A$11)+IF($D$1:$D$11="DB",COUNTIF($C$1:$C$11, $A$1:$A$11),0)), 0))
1 DX 1 MN
2 DX 2 MN
3 DX 3 MN
4 AB 4 MN
5 AB 5 DB
6 AB 7 DB
7 AB
Formula Result 4
Result should be 6
This is trickier than I thought.
Oscar it doesn't make sense that it's returning the incorrect result. You want to i loo return an array of numbers after using the if condition. r
I don´t understand. Can you send me an example workbook?
I have not had the occasion to work with Hyperlinks in the past, so I cannot be 100% sure this works perfectly, but in my tests, your code and my code seem to return identical results every time, so I have a lot of confidence in my macro. My code has less active lines of code than yours and I believe it will execute slightly faster as it does not look at every cell in the UsedRange, rather, it first looks directly at hyperlinks only, and then it looks at all formulas on the sheet testing them to see if they start with "=HYPERLINK(" or not. Also, my code works slightly different than yours, it is sort of a combination of your two macros. To use it, you first select the sheets you want to process, so if you want a single sheet, select it... if you want only a few sheets, Control+ press with left mouse button on the tabs for the sheets you want... and if you want all the sheets, select the first sheet and then Shift+press with left mouse button on the last sheet. After you have selected the sheets you want to process, then run this macro.
Sorry, the above code does not correctly handle interim selected sheets that contain no hyperlinks (it ends the macro too soon). This revised macro does work correctly for those situations, so use it instead of what I posted earlier...
Rick Rothstein (MVP - Excel)
Thank you for your contribution. Always interesting to read your comments.
[…]… […]
I have a simple question:
Why post code that has undeclared variables? Most of the time I can figure out what they should be declared as, but in some cases I don't even know that a certain type of variable exists. For example, your variable "lnk" should be declared as...?
Again, my main point is, as a programmer who writes vba code to publish, why publish code that does not work simple because the variables are not declared and not everyone is going to know what to declare them as??
I'd say 'Thanks for the code', but I don't believe that no respectable programmer would make the mistake of coding without variable declarations.
Yoma Ma,
Undeclared variables are automatically variants, I can declare them for you but it won't make any difference except that your macro grows a line or more.
If you think the variables will slow down your workbook feel free to change them accordingly.
Hi Oscar, thank you for this article. It is really useful for me. I have just one question. Does exist a way how to update links based on this result? I have an excel where I have a lot of links but we migrated data to different place. So it means that URL address was changed. I used your macro to get all links, I updated all these to the new destination and now I am looking for a way how to update all cells when I have list of all cells where with a new link. Thank you for your tips :) Mirek
You can use "Find & Replace" to update your cells with new hyperlinks.
1. Press CTRL + H to open the "Find & Replace" dialog box.
2. Find what: Old url
3. Replace with: New url
4. Press with left mouse button on "Replace All" button to apply changes to all cells on worksheet.
Hello Oscar,
thank you for this article. It is really useful for me. I am looking for a macro which can search hyperlinks from many excel files which are in a folder. how I should amend this macro to search for files within a folder and give me file name and hyperlink name. Thank you in advanced.