'Array manipulation' category


  • CHOOSECOLS function (2)
  • CHOOSEROWS function (2)
  • DROP function (9)
  • EXPAND function (3)
  • HSTACK function (12)
  • TAKE function (2)
  • TOCOL function (24)
  • TOROW function (3)
  • VSTACK function (21)
  • WRAPCOLS function (2)
  • WRAPROWS function (2)

  • Date and Time Functions – N to Z
    Table of Contents How to use the NETWORKDAYS function How to use the NETWORKDAYS.INTL function How to use the NOW […]
    Array Manipulation Functions
    Table of Contents How to use the CHOOSECOLS function How to use the CHOOSEROWS function How to use the DROP […]
    How to use the WRAPROWS function
    The WRAPROWS function rearranges values from a single row to a 2D cell range. Dynamic array formula in cell B8: […]
    Get date ranges from a schedule
    This article demonstrates ways to extract names and corresponding populated date ranges from a schedule using Excel 365 and earlier […]
    Rearrange values in a cell range to a single column
    This article demonstrates formulas that rearrange values in a cell range to a single column. Table of Contents Rearrange cells […]
    Multiply numbers in each row by entire cell range
    This article demonstrates a recursive LAMBDA function and a User Defined Function (UDF) that multiplies numbers in each row with […]
    Working with classic ciphers in Excel
    What's on this page Reverse text Insert random characters Convert letters to numbers How to shuffle characters in the alphabet […]
    Compare two columns and extract differences
    This article demonstrates formulas that extract values that exist only in one column out of two columns. There are text […]
    Group rows based on a condition
    What's on this page Group rows based on a condition Merge matching rows 1. Group rows based on a condition […]
    Vlookup a cell range and return multiple values
    VLOOKUP a multi-column range and return multiple values.
    VLOOKUP – Return multiple unique distinct values
    This article shows how to extract unique distinct values based on a condition applied to an adjacent column using formulas. […]
    Filter unique distinct records case sensitive
    This article demonstrates two ways to extract unique and unique distinct rows from a given cell range. The first one […]
    Analyze word frequency in a cell range
    This article demonstrates two ways to calculate the number of times each word appears in a given range of cells. […]
    Fuzzy lookups
    In this post I will describe a basic user defined function with better search functionality than the array formula in […]
    Fuzzy VLOOKUP
    This formula returns multiple values even if they are arranged differently or have minor misspellings compared to the lookup value.
    Filter strings containing a given substring in a cell range
    This post describes ways to extract all matching strings from cells in a given cell range if they contain a […]
    Sort rows based on frequency and criteria
    Andre asks:I am trying to list people with the highest scores based on certain criteria. My data: column A B […]
    Find empty hours in a weekly schedule
    The image above demonstartes an array formula in cell B34 that extracts empty hours in a weekly calendar. I have created […]
    Convert date ranges into dates
    This article demonstrates how to create a list of dates based on multiple date ranges. Table of contents Convert date […]
    List dates outside specified date ranges
    This article demonstrates how to calculate dates in a given date range (cells B13 and B14) that don't overlap the […]
    Merge two columns with possible blank cells
    This article demonstrates two formulas, they both accomplish the same thing. The Excel 365 formula is much smaller and is […]
    Find the most recent date that meets a particular condition
    This article demonstrates how to return the latest date based on a condition using formulas or a Pivot Table. The […]
    How to list unique distinct values sorted by frequency
    What's on this page Unique distinct values sorted based on frequency (single column) Unique distinct values sorted based on frequency […]
    Extract unique distinct values A to Z from a range and ignore blanks
    This article demonstrates formulas that extract sorted unique distinct values from a cell range containing also blanks. Unique distinct values […]
    Filter values in common between two cell ranges
    The image above shows an array formula in cell B12 that extracts values shared by cell range B2:D4 (One) and […]
    Filter values occurring in range 1 but not in range 2
    Table of Contents Filter values occurring in range 1 but not in range 2 Filter not shared values out of […]
    Extract duplicates from a multi-column cell range
    This article describes two formulas that extract duplicates from a multi-column cell range, the first one is built for Excel […]
    Merge cell ranges into one list
    The above image demonstrates a formula that adds values in three different columns into one column. Table of Contents Merge […]
    Extract a list of duplicates from three columns combined
    This webpage demonstrates formulas that merge three non-adjacent cell ranges. What's on this webpage Extract a list of duplicates from […]
    Extract a list of duplicates from a column
    The array formula in cell C2 extracts duplicate values from column A. Only one duplicate of each value is displayed […]
    Extract a unique distinct list from three columns
    Question: How do I extract a unique distinct list from three ranges or lists? The ranges are not necessarily adjacent […]
    Extract a unique distinct list from two columns
    Question: I have two ranges or lists (List1 and List2) from where I would like to extract a unique distinct […]
    How to create date ranges in Excel
    Question: I am trying to create an excel spreadsheet that has a date range. Example: Cell A1 1/4/2009-1/10/2009 Cell B1 […]
    Find missing numbers
    Table of Contents Find missing numbers in a column based on a given range Find missing three character alpha code […]
    Count unique distinct values
    This article describes how to count unique distinct values. What are unique distinct values? They are all values but duplicates are […]
    Working with unique values
    What's on this page Extract unique values from two columns - Excel 365 Extract unique values from two columns - […]
    Extract unique distinct values from a multi-column cell range
    This article demonstrates ways to list unique distinct values in a cell range with multiple columns. The data is not […]
    Calculate machine utilization
    Question: I need to calculate how many hours a machine is utilized in a company with a night and day […]
    How to extract email addresses from an Excel sheet
    Question: How to extract email addresses from this sheet? Answer: It depends on how the emails are populated in your worksheet? […]
    Filter unique distinct records
    Table of contents Filter unique distinct row records Filter unique distinct row records but not blanks Filter unique distinct row […]

    Excel formula categories

    AverageChooseCombine MergeCompareConcatenateConditional FormattingCountCount valuesDatesDuplicatesExtractFilterFilter recordsFiltered valuesFilterxmlHyperlinkIf cellIndex MatchLogicLookupsMatchMaxMinNumbers in sumOR logicOverlappingPartial matchRecordsSequenceSmallSort bySort valuesSumSumifsSumproductString manipulationTimeUnique distinct recordsUnique distinct valuesUnique recordsUnique valuesVlookupVlookup return values

    Excel categories