What values are missing in List 1 that exists i List 2?
This article shows how to compare two nonadjacent cell ranges and extract values that exist only in one of the two columns.
Table of Contents
1. Extract values that exist only in one of two nonadjacent columns
Question: How to filter out data from List 1 that is missing in list 2?
Answer: This formula is useful when comparing two lists to find out what cell values are missing.For instance, inventory comparison.
How to create an array formula
- Select cell c2
- Press with left mouse button on in formula bar
- Paste above array formula to formula bar
- Press and hold Ctrl + Shift
- Press Enter
- Release all keys
You know you have entered an array formula when the formula in the formula bar is surrounded by curly brackets {=array_formula}
Explaining formula
Step 1 - Compare values between A2:A17 and B2:B5
The MATCH function looks for a specific value in a cell range or array and returns it's position in that cell range or array.
If the value does not exist in the cell range or array the MATCH function returns #N/A (error value).
MATCH($A$2:$A$17, $B$2:$B$5, 0)
checks if there are any matches. If there are none, an error will occur.
{#N/A,#N/A,... ,#N/A,}
The image to the right shows the array and the corresponding value in column B. It is quite obvious already now which values are missing in the List 2 and which ones that exist.
Step 2 - Identify error values in array
If a value in array is an error the ISERROR function returns TRUE else FALSE.
ISERROR(MATCH($A$2:$A$17, $B$2:$B$5, 0))
returns {TRUE, TRUE, ... , TRUE, }
The array now contains boolean values, TRUE or FALSE.
The IF function in the next step can't handle error values so this step is necessary.
Step 3 - Convert boolean value TRUE to the corresponding row number
The IF function allows you to specify a logical expression and if it evaluates to TRUE one thing happens and if FALSE another thing happens.
IF(ISERROR(MATCH($A$2:$A$17, $B$2:$B$5, 0)), (ROW($A$2:$A$17)-MIN(ROW($A$2:$A$17))+1), "")
returns {1,2,3,4,"",6,7,8,9,"",11,12,"","",15,16}
If there is an error in the array, replace that error with the row number.
Step 4 - Return the k-th smallest row number
In this example one cell will display one value and in order to do that the small function returns a single row number for each cell allowing you to get a single value in each cell.
SMALL(IF(ISERROR(MATCH($A$2:$A$17, $B$2:$B$5, 0)), (ROW($A$2:$A$17)-MIN(ROW($A$2:$A$17))+1), ""), ROW(1:1))
SMALL({1,2,3,4,"",6,7,8,9,"",11,12,"","",15,16}, 1)
and returns 1.
Step 5 - Use the row number to get the correct value
The INDEX function allows you to get a value based on a row number and column number.
INDEX($A$2:$A$17, SMALL(IF(ISERROR(MATCH($A$2:$A$17, $B$2:$B$5, 0)), (ROW($A$2:$A$17)-MIN(ROW($A$2:$A$17))+1), ""), ROW(1:1)))
returns II in cell C2.
2. Extract values that exist only in one of two nonadjacent columns - Excel 365
The image above demonstrates an Excel 365 formula much smaller than the above, it also extracts missing values between two nonadjacent columns.
Formula in cell F3:
2.1 Explaining formula
Step 1 - Count cells equal to any of the conditions
The COUNTIF function calculates the number of cells that meet a given condition.
COUNTIF(range, criteria)
COUNTIF(D3:D6, B3:B18)
returns {0; 0; ... ; 0}
Step 2 - Check if value in the array is equal to 0 (zero)
The equal sign lets you check if a value is equal to another value. The result is a boolean value, TRUE or FALSE.
returns {TRUE; TRUE; ... ; TRUE}
Step 3 - Filter values based on boolean values
returns {"II"; "KK"; ... ; "JJ"}.
3. Identify missing numbers in a range
Question: How do I find missing numbers between 1-9 in a range?
1 3 4
5 6 7
8 8 3
Array formula in cell B8:
If you have numbers between 5 and 32, change ROW($1:$9) to ROW($5:$32)
The formula won´t work if you have numbers above 1048576 (excel 2007). See this post: Identify missing values in a column using excel formula
How to create an array formula
- Copy above array formula
- Select cell B8
- Press with left mouse button on in formula bar
- Paste array formula in formula bar
- Press and hold Ctrl + Shift
- Press Enter
Explaining formula in cell B8
Step 1 - Check if numbers in range equal numbers in list
The COUNTIF function counts values based on a condition, in this case, multiple conditions. The first argument is the cell range containing the numbers, the second argument is a given list of numbers.
The ROW function returns the row number of a cell, in this case a cell range. The ROW function then returns an array of row numbers of all cells in the cell range.
COUNTIF($B$3:$D$5, ROW($1:$9)
returns {1;0;2;1;1;1;1;2;0}.
Step 2 - Which numbers are missing?
A 0 (zero) indicates a number is missing, compare the value with 0 (zero) and we get either TRUE or FALSE.
returns {FALSE; ... ; TRUE}.
Step 3 - Replace TRUE with corresponding number
IF(COUNTIF($B$3:$D$5, ROW($1:$9))=0, ROW($1:$9), "")
returns {"";2;"";"";"";"";"";"";9}.
Step 4 - Extract a new number in a cell each
The SMALL function extracts the k-th smallest number from a cell range or array. SMALL( cell_ref, k)
The second argument contains the ROWS function and an expanding cell range. When you copy the cell and paste to cells below the cell reference grows. This makes sure that a new numb er is extracted in each cell.
SMALL(IF(COUNTIF($B$3:$D$5, ROW($1:$9))=0, ROW($1:$9), ""), ROWS(B8:$B$8)
becomes SMALL({"";2;"";"";"";"";"";"";9}, 1) and returns 2 in cell B8.
Get Excel *.xls file
Missing numbers in a range.xls
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I have a worksheet that has rows, each containing sequential groupings of values of "1" and "0" These alternate across 1800 colunms of data.
My question: how do I count the number of groupings of each? In other words, across those 1800 columns, how many arrays of value 1 and how many arrays of value 0 do I have?
see this post:
Count the number of groupings of each value
How can I expand the range? my list goes til 49
Thank You
there are two cell ranges in this formula (bolded):
Change these two cell ranges:
Why is it that the formula posted on this web page, is not the same as the formula embedded in the excel document? The formula in the excel document is longer (it has multiple relative cell references, whereas the formula in the excel spreadhseet refers to absolute cell references). If I copy/paste the formula on this page, it does not return any results; it is simply a long formula. Also, when I follow steps on how to create an array formula, it says that a bracket will appear aroun dthe formula, but that did not happen in my case. Any clues appreciated!
Why is it that the formula posted on this web page, is not the same as the formula embedded in the excel document?
I changed the array formula in the post but forgot to change the attached file. Thanks for reminding me.
The formula in the excel document is longer (it has multiple relative cell references, whereas the formula in the excel spreadhseet refers to absolute cell references)
The array formula shown in this post is easier to use, you simply change the absolute cell references in the array formula.
If I copy/paste the formula on this page, it does not return any results; it is simply a long formula. Also, when I follow steps on how to create an array formula, it says that a bracket will appear around the formula, but that did not happen in my case. Any clues appreciated!
Did you paste the formula to the formula bar?
Is there any difference to apply this formula in only one column (F2:F1093)? I´m trying to identify missing numbers in a list but I´m making something wrong.
Did you enter it as an array formula?
Good support and help to improve my excel knowledge.
thanks of lot
Thank you!
How do I combine this function with TEXTJOIN to return all missing values in a single cell, delimited? The current formula I have, which is returning only the first missing value, is:
=arrayformula(Textjoin(" &
", true, (INDEX(Emails!$A$2:$A$36,(MATCH(TRUE,(ISNA(MATCH(Emails!$A$2:$A$36,B$5:B$203,0))),0))))))
This is in google sheets, hence the "arrayformula".
How do I combine this formula with the TEXTJOIN function to return all missing values in a single cell? The formula I currently have, which is returning only the first missing value, is:
=arrayformula(Textjoin(" &
", true, (INDEX(Emails!$A$2:$A$36,(MATCH(TRUE,(ISNA(MATCH(Emails!$A$2:$A$36,B$5:B$203,0))),0))))))
This is in google sheets, not excel.