Split search value using a delimiter and search for each substring
This article demonstrates formulas and a UDF that searches for values in a table based on concatenated values and returns the corresponding values also concatenated.
The example image above shows "anil singh raj" in cell B3, the UDF and formulas split the string in substrings and search for each sub-string in cell range E3:E5. If a match is found the corresponding value in cell range F3:F5 is returned.
The result values are concatenated if multiple values are matching values in cell range E3:E5. "anil" is found in cell E3, the corresponding value is 10. "singh" is found in cell E5, the corresponding value is 30. Value "raj" is found in cell E4 and the corresponding value in cell F4 is 20. The value returned in cell C3 is 10 30 20.
What's on this page
1. Question
I have
A1(anil singh raj)
It can be anything Like
A1(singh raj anil)
I want return value in
B1 (10 30 20)
B1(30 20 10)
Lookup array is
D1(anil) E1(10)
D2(raj) E2(20)
D3(singh) E3(30)
I have made a small custom function to split the search string and get the values you are looking for.
2. User Defined Function Syntax
SearchValues(str, search_col, return_col)
str - Search string
search_col - lookup column
return_col - values to return
3. UDF Formula
Formula in cell C3:
=SearchValues(B3, $E$3:$E$5, $F$3:$F$5)
4. User Defined Function - VBA
'Name Function Function SearchValues(str As Range, search_col As Range, return_col As Range) 'Dimension variables and declare data types Dim j As Long, i As Long 'Split text in variable str based on a space character arr = Split(str, " ") 'Save the number of rows in range variable search_col to variable j j = search_col.Rows.CountLarge 'Iterate through all array values in variable arr For Each Vl In arr 'Go from 1 to number stored in variable j For i = 1 To j 'If ... Then statement 'Check if value in range variable search_col is equal to variable Vl 'Concatenate corresponding value in return_col with result variable if true If search_col.Cells(i, 1) = Vl Then result = result & return_col.Cells(i, 1) & " " Next i Next Vl 'Return string stored in result to worksheet SearchValues = result End Function
5. Where to put the VBA code?
You need to copy the code above and paste it to a code module, detailed instructions below.
- Open vb editor (shortcut keys: Alt+F11)
- Insert a new module
- Paste code to code module
- Exit vb Editor
Note, save your workbook as a macro-enabled workbook *.xlsm to keep the code attached to your workbook.
6. Excel 2019 Formula
Array formula in cell C3:
6.1 Explaining formula in cell C3
Step 1 - Insert XML tags
The SUBSTITUTE function replaces a specific text string in a value. We need to replace the delimiting character to xml tags in order to split the strings into an array.
SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, [instance_num])
"<A><B>"& SUBSTITUTE(B3, " ", "</B><B>") & "</B></A>"
returns "<A><B>anil</B><B>singh</B><B>raj</B></A>"
Step 2 - Split string into substrings
The FILTERXML function extracts specific values from XML content by using the given xpath. You can use this function to split a string into substrings.
FILTERXML("<A><B>"& SUBSTITUTE(B3, " ", "</B><B>") & "</B></A>", "//B")
returns {"anil";"singh";"raj"}.
Step 3 - Convert a vertical range to a horizontal range, or vice versa
The TRANSPOSE function allows you to convert a vertical range to a horizontal range, or vice versa.
TRANSPOSE(FILTERXML("<A><B>"& SUBSTITUTE(B3, " ", "</B><B>") & "</B></A>", "//B"))
returns {"anil", "singh", "raj"}.
Step 4 - Search for each value in the array in cell range $E$3:$E$5
The SEARCH function returns a number representing the position of character at which a specific text string is found reading left to right.
SEARCH(find_text,within_text, [start_num])
SEARCH(TRANSPOSE(FILTERXML("<A><B>"& SUBSTITUTE(B3, " ", "</B><B>") & "</B></A>", "//B")), $E$3:$E$5)
returns {1, #VALUE!, ... , #VALUE!}.
Step 5 - Replace #VALUE errors with 0 (zero)
The IFERROR function lets you catch most errors in Excel formulas.
IFERROR(value, value_if_error)
IFERROR(SEARCH(TRANSPOSE(FILTERXML("<A><B>"& SUBSTITUTE(B3, " ", "</B><B>") & "</B></A>", "//B")), $E$3:$E$5), 0)
returns {1, 0, ... , 0}.
Step 6 - Return values if TRUE (1)
The IF function returns one value if the logical test is TRUE and another value if the logical test is FALSE.
IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])
IF(IFERROR(SEARCH(TRANSPOSE(FILTERXML("<A><B>"& SUBSTITUTE(B3, " ", "</B><B>") & "</B></A>", "//B")), $E$3:$E$5), 0), $F$3:$F$5, "")
returns {10,"","";"","",20;"",30,""}.
Step 7 - Convert a vertical range to a horizontal range, or vice versa
The TRANSPOSE function allows you to convert a vertical range to a horizontal range, or vice versa.
TRANSPOSE(IF(IFERROR(SEARCH(TRANSPOSE(FILTERXML("<A><B>"& SUBSTITUTE(B3, " ", "</B><B>") & "</B></A>", "//B")), $E$3:$E$5), 0), $F$3:$F$5, ""))
returns {10,"","";"","",30;"",20,""}.
Step 8 - Concate values in array
The TEXTJOIN function allows you to combine text strings from multiple cell ranges and also use delimiting characters if you want.
TEXTJOIN(" ", TRUE, TRANSPOSE(IF(IFERROR(SEARCH(TRANSPOSE(FILTERXML("<A><B>"& SUBSTITUTE(B3, " ", "</B><B>") & "</B></A>", "//B")), $E$3:$E$5), 0), $F$3:$F$5, "")))
returns "10 30 20".
7. Lookup each substring in a value and join the result - Excel 365
Excel 365 formula in cell C3:
Explaining formula
Step 1 - Split value into substrings
The TEXTSPLIT function splits a string into an array based on delimiting values.
Function syntax: TEXTSPLIT(Input_Text, col_delimiter, [row_delimiter], [Ignore_Empty])
returns {"anil","singh","raj"}.
Step 2 - Match values and return the corresponding values
The LOOKUP function find a value in a cell range and return a corresponding value on the same row.
Function syntax: LOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_vector, [result_vector])
LOOKUP(TEXTSPLIT(B3, " ", , TRUE), $E$3:$E$5, $F$3:$F$5)
returns {10,30,20}.
Step 3 - Join the corresponding values
The TEXTJOIN function combines text strings from multiple cell ranges.
Function syntax: TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1, [text2], ...)
TEXTJOIN(" ", TRUE, LOOKUP(TEXTSPLIT(B3, " ", , TRUE), $E$3:$E$5, $F$3:$F$5))
returns "10 30 20".
User defined function category
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This article demonstrates two ways to calculate the number of times each word appears in a given range of cells. […]
This article demonstrates two formulas that extract distinct values from a filtered Excel Table, one formula for Excel 365 subscribers […]
Excel categories
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Contact Oscar
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for reply my question
it makes me very easy to do my job more simple
but i am facing a problem
if the value is not in lookup array the result is only partial
I have
A1(anil baljeet raj)
and result should be
B1 (10 (error) 20)
Lookup array is
D1(anil) E1(10)
D2(raj) E2(20)
D3(singh) E3(30)
means if the value is not in the lookup array
the result should not skip the value's(not in the lookup array) space
Does the following UDF do what you want? NOTE that I change the argumemtn list from how Oscar setup his UDF... instead of a second argument for the search column and a third argument for the replacement column, I have only a second argument for the search/replace table (assumed to be two contiguous, aligned ranges of cells); so, you would call my UDF like this...
where cell A1 has the text being parsed and range D1:E3 contains the search and replace values. Here is my UDF code...
Rick Rothstein (MVP - Excel),
Thank you for your comment and yes your UDF works fine. Yours is probably faster too using the Range Find method, but is it faster than converting the range to an array and then search with a simple For - Next? Anyway, interesting UDF.
If your search and replace table is not contiguous this UDF seems to work also.
Thank you very much oscar
it makes me very easy to do my work
i hope you will be in touch as you can
for our futures problems regarding excel
thanks Again
with regards