Sort by multiple columns
This article demonstrates how to sort a data set by multipe columns using the SORTBY function, Ecel Table and Excel formulas. The example data used here is a table from the Premiere league, see image above.
How are soccer teams ranked in Premier League?Teams are ranked by total points, then goal difference, and then goals scored. At the end of each season, the club with the most points is crowned champion. If points are equal, the goal difference and then goals scored determine the winner. If still equal, teams are deemed to occupy the same position. Source: Wikipedia
Points = Wins * 3 + Draws
Goals for -> Goals made by the team
Goals away or against -> Goals made by the opponent team
Goal difference = Goal for - Goal against
This means that we need to sort the table displayed in the image above first by column K (PTS), second by column J (GD - Goal difference), and third by column H (GF - Goals for).
What's on this page
Sort by multiple columns using an Excel Table
The Excel Table is capable of sorting multiple columns in a specified order ascending and descending and which order sorting columns by. The image above shows buttons next to each column header name, next to the black triangle is a down-pointing arrow indicating that the column is sorted.
The image shows three down-pointing arrows, column J (PTS), I (GD) and G (GF). The table is sorted record by record based on the values in column J, I and G and in that order.
Convert data to an Excel Table
- Select any cell in the data set.
- Press CTRL + T to open the "Create Table" dialog box. See image above.
- Press with left mouse button on OK button.
Apply custom sort to an Excel Table
- Press with right mouse button on on any cell in the Excel Table.
- A pop-up menu appears, see image above. Press with left mouse button on or hover over "Sort".
- Another pop-up menu shows up, press with left mouse button on "Custom Sort...".
- A dialog box appears.
- Press with mouse on the first drop-down list, see image above.
- Press with mouse on the column header that you want to sort first by. I chose PTS.
- The "A to Z" drop-down list changed to "Smallest to Largest". Press with mouse on it to expand and see all drop-down list values.
- Press with mouse on "Largest to Smallest".
- Press with mouse on "Add Level" button.
- Now select the next column header name to sort by. I chose "GD".
- Repeat with the next column header name (GF).
- Press with left mouse button on OK button to apply settings.
Sort by multiple columns using the SORTBY function
Formula in cell B3:
The SORTBY function is available for Excel 365 subscribers, it has the following arguments:
SORTBY(array, by_array1, [sort_order1], [by_array2] , [sort_order2],…)
array - An array or cell reference to be sorted
by_array1 - An array or cell reference to be sorted on, this does not have to be a column in the array range. It can be a column outside the array range as well.
[sort_order1] - 1 for ascending, -1 for descending. Default value is -1 (ascending).
The arguments in brackets are optional arguments.
The formula above is a dynamic array formula meaning it spills values across columns and rows automatically.
Spilling is something dynamic array formulas do when they extend to adjacent cells as far as needed. The #SPILL! error is returned if a cell is not empty meaning dynamic array formulas will never overwrite populated cells.
As soon as you delete the contents of populated cells the dynamic array formula automatically extends to neighboring cells.
Sort by multiple columns using formula (Previous Excel versions)
The following formula sorts the table keeping the rows intact just like the above examples, the data source is in cell range B25:J44.
Array formula in cell B3:
How to enter an array formula in cell B3
- Copy the above formula.
- Double press with left mouse button on cell B3, a prompt appears in cell B3.
- Paste formula to the cell.
- Press and hold CTRL and SHIFT simultaneously.
- Press Enter once.
- Release all keys.
The formula begins and ends now with a curly bracket, like this: {=array_formula}
How to copy array formula
- Press with mouse on cell B3 to select it.
- Press CTRL + c to copy cell.
- Select cell range C3:J3.
- Paste to cell range C3:J3. CTRL + v.
- Select cell range B4:J22.
- Paste to cell range B4:J22. CTRL + v.
Explaining formula in cell B3
The "Evaluate Formula" tool allows you to troubleshoot and examine formulas in great detail. Go to tab "Formulas" on the ribbon. Press with mouse on "Evaluate Formula" button.
A dialog box appears, see image above. Press with left mouse button on the Evaluate button repeatedly to move through the calculation step by step.
Step 1 - Get points from column J
The following cell reference gets the points from the table.
{48; 47; 46; 42; 41; 40; 37; 33; 30; 23; 23; 22; 21; 21; 20; 19; 18; 18; 17; 17}
Step 2 - Adjust negative numbers (GD) and divide with 1000
The Goal difference number can be negative, to adjust for that I am using the MIN function. The MIN function finds the smallest number in the cell range.
The ABS function removes the sign.
({22; 36; 21; 25; 15; 1; 11; 2; 4; -5; -7; -13; -5; -5; -18; -24; -9; -19; -15; -18}+ABS(MIN($I$25:$I$44)))/1000
({22; 36; 21; 25; 15; 1; 11; 2; 4; -5; -7; -13; -5; -5; -18; -24; -9; -19; -15; -18}+ABS(MIN({22; 36; 21; 25; 15; 1; 11; 2; 4; -5; -7; -13; -5; -5; -18; -24; -9; -19; -15; -18})))/1000
({22; 36; 21; 25; 15; 1; 11; 2; 4; -5; -7; -13; -5; -5; -18; -24; -9; -19; -15; -18}+ABS(-24))/1000
({22; 36; 21; 25; 15; 1; 11; 2; 4; -5; -7; -13; -5; -5; -18; -24; -9; -19; -15; -18}+24)/1000
{46; 60; 45; 49; 39; 25; 35; 26; 28; 19; 17; 11; 19; 19; 6; 0; 15; 5; 9; 6}/1000
and returns
{0.046; 0.06; 0.045; 0.049; 0.039; 0.025; 0.035; 0.026; 0.028; 0.019; 0.017; 0.011; 0.019; 0.019; 0.006; 0; 0.015; 0.005; 0.009; 0.006}
Step 3 - Divide with 10000
We can't just add the goal difference to the points, that would destroy the sorting.
{41; 20; 15; 40; 13; 34; 22; 22; 51; 59; 35; 29; 17; 27; 22; 19; 26; 26; 23; 21}/10000
and returns
{0.0041; 0.002; 0.0015; 0.004; 0.0013; 0.0034; 0.0022; 0.0022; 0.0051; 0.0059; 0.0035; 0.0029; 0.0017; 0.0027; 0.0022; 0.0019; 0.0026; 0.0026; 0.0023; 0.0021}
Step 4 - Add numbers
Step 4 adds the results from step to step 3.
{48; 47; 46; 42; 41; 40; 37; 33; 30; 23; 23; 22; 21; 21; 20; 19; 18; 18; 17; 17} + {0.046; 0.06; 0.045; 0.049; 0.039; 0.025; 0.035; 0.026; 0.028; 0.019; 0.017; 0.011; 0.019; 0.019; 0.006; 0; 0.015; 0.005; 0.009; 0.006} + {0.0041; 0.002; 0.0015; 0.004; 0.0013; 0.0034; 0.0022; 0.0022; 0.0051; 0.0059; 0.0035; 0.0029; 0.0017; 0.0027; 0.0022; 0.0019; 0.0026; 0.0026; 0.0023; 0.0021}
and returns
{48.0501; 47.062; 46.0465; 42.053; 41.0403; 40.0284; 37.0372; 33.0282; 30.0331; 23.0249; 23.0205; 22.0139; 21.0207; 21.0217; 20.0082; 19.0019; 18.0176; 18.0076; 17.0113; 17.0081}
Step 5 - Calculate k-th largest number
The LARGE function extracts the k-th largest number in an array or cell range. LARGE(array, k)
LARGE($J$25:$J$44+($I$25:$I$44+ABS(MIN($I$25:$I$44)))/1000+$G$25:$G$44/10000, ROWS($A$1:A1))
LARGE({48.0501; 47.062; 46.0465; 42.053; 41.0403; 40.0284; 37.0372; 33.0282; 30.0331; 23.0249; 23.0205; 22.0139; 21.0207; 21.0217; 20.0082; 19.0019; 18.0176; 18.0076; 17.0113; 17.0081}, ROWS($A$1:A1))
The ROWS function calculates the number of rows in a given cell reference. The cell reference in this case grows when we copy the cell and paste to cells below. This is possible if we use both an absolute and relative cell reference. This will return a new value in each cell.
LARGE({48.0501; 47.062; 46.0465; 42.053; 41.0403; 40.0284; 37.0372; 33.0282; 30.0331; 23.0249; 23.0205; 22.0139; 21.0207; 21.0217; 20.0082; 19.0019; 18.0176; 18.0076; 17.0113; 17.0081}, ROWS($A$1:A1))
LARGE({48.0501; 47.062; 46.0465; 42.053; 41.0403; 40.0284; 37.0372; 33.0282; 30.0331; 23.0249; 23.0205; 22.0139; 21.0207; 21.0217; 20.0082; 19.0019; 18.0176; 18.0076; 17.0113; 17.0081}, 1)
and returns
Step 6 - Find relative position
The MATCH function calculates the relative position of a given value in a cell range or an array. MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])
MATCH(LARGE($J$25:$J$44+($I$25:$I$44+ABS(MIN($I$25:$I$44)))/1000+$G$25:$G$44/10000, ROWS($A$1:A1)), $J$25:$J$44+($I$25:$I$44+ABS(MIN($I$25:$I$44)))/1000+$G$25:$G$44/10000, 0)
MATCH(48.0501, $J$25:$J$44+($I$25:$I$44+ABS(MIN($I$25:$I$44)))/1000+$G$25:$G$44/10000, 0)
MATCH(48.0501, {48.0501; 47.062; 46.0465; 42.053; 41.0403; 40.0284; 37.0372; 33.0282; 30.0331; 23.0249; 23.0205; 22.0139; 21.0207; 21.0217; 20.0082; 19.0019; 18.0176; 18.0076; 17.0113; 17.0081}, 0)
and returns 1.
Step 7 - Return value
The INDEX function returns a value based on a specified row and optional column number.
INDEX($B$25:$J$44, MATCH(LARGE($J$25:$J$44+($I$25:$I$44+ABS(MIN($I$25:$I$44)))/1000+$G$25:$G$44/10000, ROWS($A$1:A1)), $J$25:$J$44+($I$25:$I$44+ABS(MIN($I$25:$I$44)))/1000+$G$25:$G$44/10000, 0), COLUMNS($A$1:A1))
INDEX($B$25:$J$44, 1, COLUMNS($A$1:A1))
The COLUMNS function returns the number of columns in a given cell range. This will make the INDEX function return the correct value in each cell.
INDEX($B$25:$J$44, 1, COLUMNS($A$1:A1))
INDEX($B$25:$J$44, 1, 1)
and returns "Arsenal" in cell B3.
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Contact Oscar
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Ab0ve r my total ranks,but the final rank i got with COUNTIF($AC$2:$AC$21,"<"&AC)+1 is 1 for all!!
I believe you have entered this formula as an array formula:
COUNTIF($AC$2:$AC$21,"<"&AC)+1 It is a regular formula, press enter only and then copy it down as far as needed.
Hi Oscar,
I tryed to calculate stanging just from results. For example: we have two teams A and B and we know results between them and want to calculate wins, draws, loses, points and goal difference.
A : B
2 : 1 = wins for A
2 : 2 = draw
2 : 3 = lose for A
1 : 0
3 : 1
1 : 4
Logic is simple, but I failed to find a way to calculate without helper columns
I really appreciate that you make the formula very simple to make ranking format.
But i'm little bit confused about the number you've choose as denominator
for Rank GD AND Rank GF . Can you please elaborate more for me.
And i'm also looking for answer for two more condition ;
if we consider " Concerned teams (Pnt, GF-GA, GF)" for 2nd step and
Coefficient rank for the 5th step.
then what would be the formula ?
If you may please help me out of this prob.
looking forward to your kind co-operation.
I really appreciate that you make the formula very simple to make ranking format.
But i'm little bit confused about the number you've choose as denominator
for Rank GD AND Rank GF . Can you please elaborate more for me.
And i'm also looking for answer for two more condition ;
if we consider " Concerned teams (Pnt, GF-GA, GF)" for 2nd step and
Coefficient rank for the 5th step.
then what would be the formula ?
If you may please help me out of this prob.
looking forward to your kind co-operation.
If you are going to use the sort function at the end to rank then why not use it on the whole table like:
Sort J by smallest to Largest
Add another Level
Sort G by Largest to smallest
And another level
Sort H by Largest to smallest
Add another Level
Sort I by Largest to smallest
Yes, you are right.