User opens or closes a workbook creates an event
This article explains how to set up a workbook so a macro is run every time you open the workbook. Excel Event code makes this possible and it is easier than you think.
Event code can run a macro based on a drop-down list, event code is VBA code stored in a worksheet module or workbook module. I will explain this later on in this article.
For example, you could have a macro that opens another workbook that you need, saving you time, making you happy, and feeling awesome.
What's on this page
- Run a macro automatically when a specific workbook is opened
- Run a macro automatically when selecting a specific worksheet
- Run macro when a specific cell is selected
- Get Excel *.xlsm file
- Select cell A1 on all sheets before you close a workbook - VBA
- How to log when a workbook is opened and closed - VBA
1. Run a macro automatically when a specific workbook is opened
1.1 Create a macro
The following macro opens workbook Book1.xlsx in folder c:\temp
'Name macro Sub Macro1 'Open a given workbook Workbooks.Open ("c:\temp\Book1.xlsx") End Sub
1.2 Where to put the code?
Copy the macro code above and go to tab "Developer" on the ribbon. If it is missing search the internet for your Excel version and "Show developer tab".
Press with mouse on "Visual Basic" button to open the Visual Basic editor. Press with right mouse button on on your workbook in the Project Explorer window.
Press with mouse on "Insert" and then on "Module". This action adds a code module to your workbook.
Now paste the VBA code above to your code module.
Go back to Excel.
1.3 How to run macro
Go to tab "Developer" and press with left mouse button on the "Macro" button. The following dialog box appears:
Press with mouse on "Run" button and the workbook is opened.
1.4 Where to put event code?
Press Alt+F11 to open the VB Editor or go to tab "Developer" on the ribbon, press with left mouse button on "Visual Basic" button. Double press with left mouse button on "This Workbook", if you can't see it expand the list by press with left mouse button oning on the + sign.
Paste the following event code to the workbook module:
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Macro1 End Sub
Go back to Excel. Save the workbook with file extension *.xlsm, this is important.
Close workbook and open it again. The workbook Book1.xlsx in folder c:\temp is now automatically opened. (If it exists..)
2. Run a macro automatically when selecting a specific worksheet
This section describes how to run a macro if a specific worksheet is selected (activated). Each worksheet in a workbook has a corresponding worksheet module that you can easily access, however, put only event code in these modules.
Note, put regular macros in regular modules.
2.1 Worksheet event code
The following steps describe how to save event code to a specific worksheet.
- Press the right mouse button on the worksheet tab you want to edit, it is located at the left bottom of your Excel window.
- A pop-up menu appears, see the image above.
- Press with the left mouse button on "View Code" to open the corresponding worksheet module in Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
- Copy event code below.
- Paste to worksheet module.
'Event code that runs when the user press with left mouse button ons on a specific worksheet tab Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() 'Start macro named Macro2 Call Macro2 End Sub
2.2 Macro code
The following VBA code is a regular macro. it shows a message box containing "Hello world!". Here is how you store regular macros:
- Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor.
- Press the left mouse button on "Insert" on the top menu, see the image below.
- Press the left mouse button on "Module" to create a new module, they are located in the Modules folder shown in the image below.
- Copy code below.
- Paste to the module.
- Exit Visual Basic Editor.
Sub Macro2() MsgBox "Hello world!" End Sub
3. Run macro when a specific cell is selected
The image above demonstrates a macro that is run when a specific cell is selected on a specific worksheet. The example shown in the image above shows a message box containing text "Cell B2 is selected" when cell B2 is selected.
3.1 Worksheet code
The following steps describe how to save event code to a specific worksheet.
- Press the right mouse button on the worksheet tab you want to edit, it is located at the left bottom of your Excel window.
- A pop-up menu appears, see the image above.
- Press with the left mouse button on "View Code" to open the corresponding worksheet module in Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
- Copy event code below.
- Paste to worksheet module.
'Event code Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) 'Interesect method returns a range object of a rectangular intersection of two or more cell ranges If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B2")) Is Nothing Then 'Start macro named Macro3 Call Macro3 End If End Sub
3.2 Macro code
The following VBA code is a regular macro. it shows a message box containing "Cell B2 is selected". Here is how you store regular macros:
- Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor.
- Press the left mouse button on "Insert" on the top menu, see the image below.
- Press the left mouse button on "Module" to create a new module, they are located in the Modules folder shown in the image below.
- Copy code below.
- Paste to the module.
- Exit Visual Basic Editor.
Sub Macro3() MsgBox "Cell B2 is selected" End Sub
5. Select cell A1 on all sheets before you close a workbook - VBA
This post demonstrates a macro that automatically selects cell A1 on each sheet right before you close a workbook. The VBA code also moves the view so cell A1 is the upper left cell on all sheets.
This macro is different from regular macros, it is rund when something happens, Microsoft calls this an Event. An event macro has a designated name and must be placed in the sheet module or worksheet module. If your event code is not working you probably saved the code in a regular module.
You can see a list of available events in the workbook or sheet module.
The following code selects cell A1 in all visible sheets right before you close the workbook. You can save this macro in a regular module as well, however, you then need to run the macro manually.
VBA code
'This Event macro fires before you close a workbook and before the user is prompted to save changes. Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) 'Declare variables and data types Dim sht As Worksheet, csheet As Worksheet 'Don't show any changes the macro does on the screen, this will also make the macro faster. Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Assigns object active sheet to variable csheet so we can go back to this sheet when the macro is finished. Set csheet = ActiveSheet 'Iterate through each worksheet in active workbook For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets 'Check if worksheet is not hidden If sht.Visible Then 'Activate sheet sht.Activate 'Select cell A1 in active worksheet Range("A1").Select 'Zoom to first cell ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1 ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1 End If 'Contine with remaining worksheets Next sht 'Go back to the worksheet when this event started csheet.Activate 'Show all changes made to the workbook Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
Where to copy the code
- Press Alt-F11 to open Visual Basic Editor
- Double press with left mouse button on ThisWorkbook in Project Explorer.
Ctrl + R opens Project Explorer.
- Copy aboveVBAa code.
- Paste to worksheet module.
- Exit visual basic editor
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6. How to log when a workbook is opened and closed - VBA
This article demonstrates how to automatically create log entries when a workbook opens or closes using event code. Column A contains the action, Open or Close, column B contains the date and time.
Column C contains the user name and column D contains the computer name. Do not paste the code below to a regular module, that won't work. There are detailed instructions below.
VBA code
'This event code begins right before the user closes the workbook. Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) 'Dimension variable and declare data type Dim Lrow As Single 'Save the row of the first empty cell in column A to variable Lrow. Lrow = Worksheets("Log").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1 'Check if cell above equals text value "Close Workbook", 'if true then withdraw value in Lrow with 1 and then save the result to Lrow If Worksheets("Log").Range("A" & Lrow - 1).Value = "Close workbook" Then Lrow = Lrow - 1 'Save text value "Close Workbook" to cell Worksheets("Log").Range("A" & Lrow).Value = "Close workbook" 'Save date and time to the corresponding cell in column B. Worksheets("Log").Range("B" & Lrow).Value = Now End Sub
'This event code starts when the workbook is opened. Private Sub Workbook_Open() 'Dimension variable and declare data type Dim Lrow As Single 'Save the row of the first empty cell in column A to variable Lrow. Lrow = Worksheets("Log").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1 'Save text value "Open Workbook" to the first empty cell Worksheets("Log").Range("A" & Lrow).Value = "Open workbook" Save date and time to the corresponding cell in column B. Worksheets("Log").Range("B" & Lrow).Value = Now End Sub
Where to copy code?
- Go to tab "Developer" on the ribbon and press with left mouse button on "Visual Basic" button to open the Visual Basic Editor or press shortcut keys Alt+F11
- Double press with left mouse button on "This workbook" in the project explorer.
- Paste code to workbook module.
- Return to Excel.
- Save your workbook as an *.xslm file in order to save the code as well.
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13 Responses to “User opens or closes a workbook creates an event”
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Hi Oscar,
Is there a way to include the name of the person (from computer name or user name, which appears in the excel options)in the code?
This would be a nice option to have when there are multiple users.
Hello Oscar, is it possible to put this VBA code into a spreadsheet and then get the results to appear along with the file name on a different spreadsheet?
Many thanks
Hi Oscar not sure if you answered Dale's question but wondering if the results can appear in a separate file
thanks... works great!
I'm using Excel 2010, but it doesn't work on my computer.
Something changed in Excel?
Oct 2021
Working OK on Office 365.
Thanks a lot, very helpful I took the code further by inserting same data on all selected cell, thanks again saved a lot of time
Hi, For this to save in the A1 position so it opens in this same way do I need to add ActiveWorkbook.Save?
I should note I was trying to do this in the Personal notebook in "ThisWorksheet" so that it would happen for every document I close. Is this possible?
Hi Oscar and Sevgili Nilhan,
Both of your question and answer did alot for me, thank you very much.
Working great for my requirement... Thank you so much
you are welcome!