Use a drop down list to display data in worksheet header – VBA
I have a spreadsheet that I use for 3 different companies. What I would really like to do is have a drop-down menu with the three company names: eg: Mcdonalds, Pizza Hut, Subway and then when I choose which company the spreadsheet will be for then all the contact information and logo will appear as a header on the top of the spreadsheet. Is this possible?
Yes, it is possible. The animated image above demonstrates a worksheet that allows the user to select a value using a drop-down list and the header changes accordingly. The header and footer are located above and below the cell grid respectively when you print a worksheet.
The drop-down list is a regular drop-down list located in cell C2, the company name and address populates the left header. The zip code and city name populate the center header and the image is displayed on the right header.
If you get the workbook and the images are not showing then you need to create images and save them to c:\temp\ folder or change the paths and file names in column F worksheet Data to the images you want to use.
The following VBA code is event code that is saved to a worksheet module and not a regular module. Adjust cell reference A1:A4 below so it points to all of your data set values.
Event code
The event code below matches the selected company name in the drop-down list to the correct record on sheet "Data", the event macro then saves the row number of that record to a variable and uses that number to extract each value from the record.
Lastly, it saves the data to the header. The header contains three containers, left, center and right. Char(10) is the character for a new line, it separates the company name and address in the left container. It is also used in the center container to put zip code and email address on a line each.
'This event code is rund when a cell value is changed. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) 'Dimension variables and data types Dim iRow As Single 'Check if target is cell C2 If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C2")) Is Nothing Then 'Enable error handling On Error Resume Next 'Save row number of matching cell in cell range A1:A4 to variable iRow iRow = Application.Match(Range("c2"), Worksheets("Data").Range("A1:A4").Value, 0) 'Check if there has been an error, MATCH function returns an error if no value is found If Err <> 0 Then 'Show a message box MsgBox "Company name not found!" 'Stop event code Exit Sub End If 'Disable error handling On Error GoTo 0 'Save text and picture from data table to header With ActiveSheet 'Save company name and address to left header on active worksheeet .PageSetup.LeftHeader = Worksheets("Data").Range("A" & iRow).Text & Chr(10) & _ Worksheets("Data").Range("B" & iRow).Text 'Save zip code and email address to center header on active worksheeet .PageSetup.CenterHeader = Worksheets("Data").Range("C" & iRow).Text & " " & _ Worksheets("Data").Range("D" & iRow).Text & _ Chr(10) & Worksheets("Data").Range("E" & iRow).Text 'Save picture to right header on active worksheeet .PageSetup.RightHeaderPicture.Filename = Worksheets("Data").Range("G" & iRow).Text End With End If End Sub
Where to put the code?
- Copy code above.
- Press with right mouse button on on sheet name.
- Press with left mouse button on "View code" to open the worksheet module in the VB Editor.
- Paste code to worksheet module.
- Exit vba editor and return to Excel.
Data source
The data set used to populate the header is located on worksheet "Data", the image above shows what the geted file will contain. Column A contains the company names.
Column B contains addresses, column C zip codes, column D city names, column E email addresses and column F contains folder paths and file names to company logos.
Final thoughts
I recommend that you use an Excel defined Table on sheet Data, it allows you to reference only the Table name and table header name. You don't need to adjust cell references when you add records, the Excel defined Table is dynamic.
For example, the following row:
iRow = Application.Match(Range("c2"), Worksheets("Data").Range("A1:A4").Value, 0)
iRow = Application.Match(Range("c2"), Worksheets("Data").Range("Table1[Company Name]").Value, 0)
Drop down lists category
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Personally I like to use VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH for this, but this works when you already have a workbook with VBA in it.
Yes, as far as I know I can´t use formulas in header or footer. I have to use vba.
Yes, sorry, I forgot to mention that. Obviously you would need VBA to adjust the header/footer.
I find that the picture isn't showing up
Actually I find that none of it is working, can you put more detailed instructions?
I find that the picture isn't showing up.
You have to change folder paths and file names in sheet "Data" to your own saved images.
I tried that, still didn't work. No pictures - No change - Nothing worked.
Do you have the exact folderpaths and filenames?
Do you use png or jpg files? Not that it matters, I think. But I am out of ideas.