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'MATCH function' category

Date and Time Functions – A to M
Table of Contents How to use the DATE function How to use the DATEDIF function How to use the DATEVALUE […]
Compatibility Functions
Table of Contents How to use the BETADIST function How to use the BETAINV function How to use the BINOMDIST […]
Get date ranges from a schedule
This article demonstrates ways to extract names and corresponding populated date ranges from a schedule using Excel 365 and earlier […]
Count rows containing data
Table of Contents Count rows with data Count non-empty rows Count cells between two values Count cells based on a […]
Get the latest revision
Table of Contents Get the latest revision Create a list with most recent data available 1. Get the latest revision […]
This article demonstrates how to extract multiple numbers based on a condition and return a sorted list from small to […]
SMALL function for text
This article demonstrates a formula that sorts text values based on character length, the Excel 365 dynamic array formula is […]
INDEX MATCH – Case sensitive
The picture above demonstrates a formula in cell F3 that allows you to look up a value in column B […]
INDEX MATCH – multiple results
Table of Contents INDEX MATCH - multiple results INDEX and MATCH - multiple criteria and multiple results INDEX and MATCH […]
Match two columns and return another value on the same row
This article demonstrates formulas that match two conditions in a column each and return another value on the same row […]
If cell contains text from list
This article demonstrates several techniques to check if a cell contains text based on a list. The first example shows […]
INDEX MATCH with multiple criteria
This article demonstrates formulas that let you perform lookups using two or more conditions. The image above shows two conditions […]
Use IF + COUNTIF to evaluate multiple conditions
The image above demonstrates a formula that matches a value to multiple conditions, if the condition is met the formula […]
How to extract a case sensitive unique list from a column
This article demonstrates a formula that extracts unique values from a column also considering upper and lower characters (case sensitive). […]
Extract a list of alphabetically sorted duplicates based on a condition
The following image shows you a data set in columns B and C. The formula in cell E2 extracts a […]
Extract duplicate values with exceptions
This article demonstrates formulas that extract duplicate values from a column, however, column D contains values that you don't want […]
Filter duplicate values based on criteria
This article demonstrates formulas and Excel tools that extract duplicates based on three conditions. The first and second condition is […]
Find last value in a column
This article demonstrates formulas that return the last value in a given cell range or column. The image above shows […]
Use VLOOKUP and return multiple values sorted from A to Z
This article demonstrates how to extract multiple values based on a search value and display them sorted from A to […]
Concatenate unique distinct values
This article demonstrates Excel formulas that extract unique distinct values from a cell range and concatenates the values using any […]
Partial match and return value with highest level
This article demonstrates a formula that searches a cell (partial match) based on values in a table and returns a […]
Use VLOOKUP to calculate discounts, commissions, tariffs, charges, shipping costs, packaging expenses or bonuses
Have you ever tried to build a formula to calculate discounts based on price? The VLOOKUP function is much easier […]
Rotating unique groups with no repeat
This article demonstrates a formula What's on this page Question Formula Array formula Explaining array formula Get the Excel File […]
Time sheet for work
I have built a sheet to track time at work. It is very simple, there are 13 sheets, one for […]
How to extract rows containing digits [Formula]
This article describes a formula that returns all rows containing at least one digit 0 (zero) to 9. What's on […]
Compare two columns in different worksheets
This article describes an array formula that compares values from two different columns in two worksheets twice and returns a […]
Sort values by corresponding text arranged in a column
This article describes a formula that sorts values arranged in a column from A to z by every other value. […]
Sort items by adjacent number in every other value
This article demonstrates a formula that sorts items arranged horizontally based on the adjacent numbers, every other column contains a […]
Follow stock market trends – Moving Average
In my previous post, I described how to build a dynamic stock chart that lets you easily adjust the date […]
Dynamic stock chart
This stock chart built in Excel allows you to change the date range and the chart is instantly updated. What's […]
How to color chart bars based on their values
(Chart data is made up) This article demonstrates two ways to color chart bars and chart columns based on their […]
Sort based on frequency row-wise
In this article, I will demonstrate two techniques for counting per row. The first example is simple and straightforward. The […]
Dynamic scoreboard
This article demonstrates a scoreboard, displayed to the left, that sorts contestants based on total scores and refreshes instantly each […]
Working with overlapping date ranges
This article demonstrates formulas that calculate the number of overlapping ranges for all ranges, finds the most overlapped range and […]
How to build a Team Generator – different number of people per team
JD asks in this post: Dynamic team generator Hi, what if we have different number of people per team? So in […]
Split expenses calculator
This article demonstrates two ways to calculate expenses evenly split across multiple people. The first one is a formula solution, […]
How to automatically add new items to a drop down list
A drop-down list in Excel prevents a user from entering an invalid value in a cell. Entering a value that […]
Find numbers closest to sum
Excelxor is such a great website for inspiration, I am really impressed by this post Which numbers add up to […]
Find the most/least consecutive repeated value [VBA]
This post Find the longest/smallest consecutive sequence of a value has a few really big array formulas. Today I would like to […]
Extract the most repeated adjacent values in a column
The array formula in cell D3 returns the the length of longest consecutive sequence of a value in column A.  Cell […]
Search for a sequence of cells based on wildcard search
This article demonstrates array formulas that perform a wildcard search based on a sequence of values. The formulas return the […]
Search for a sequence of values
This article demonstrates array formulas that identify two search values in a row or in a sequence. The image above […]
How to group items by quarter using formulas
This article demonstrates two formulas, the first formula counts items by quarter and the second formula extracts the corresponding items […]
Working with classic ciphers in Excel
What's on this page Reverse text Insert random characters Convert letters to numbers How to shuffle characters in the alphabet […]
Highlight unique values in a filtered Excel table
Table of contents Highlight unique values in a filtered Excel table Highlight unique values and unique distinct values in a […]
Merge tables based on a condition
This article demonstrates techniques on how to merge or combine two data sets using a condition. The top left data […]
Lookup value based on two critera – second criteria is the adjacent value and its position in a given list
This article demonstrates a formula that extracts items based on two conditions. The first condition (Location) is used to find […]
How to animate an Excel chart
This article demonstrates how to create a chart that animates the columns when filtering chart data. The columns change incrementally […]
Sort by multiple columns
This article demonstrates how to sort a data set by multipe columns using the SORTBY function, Ecel Table and Excel […]
Lookup and return multiple sorted values based on corresponding values in another column
This article demonstrates a formula that extracts values based on a condition and sorts the returned values based on values […]
Compare two columns and extract differences
This article demonstrates formulas that extract values that exist only in one column out of two columns. There are text […]
How to filter chart data
What if you want to show a selection of a data set on a chart and easily change that selection? […]
Wildcard lookups and include or exclude criteria
This article demonstrates three different ways to filter a data set if a value contains a specific string and if […]
Lookup with any number of criteria
This article demonstrates a formula that allows you to search a data set using any number of conditions, however, one […]
Easily select data using hyperlinks
The image above shows two hyperlinks, the first hyperlink lets you select a data set automatically based on a dynamic […]
Create a hyperlink linked to the result of a two-dimensional lookup
The image above shows a formula in cell C2 that searches for a value based on two conditions specified in […]
Heat map using pictures
I made a heat map calendar a few months ago and it inspired me to write this article. The heat […]
How to build an interactive map in Excel
This article describes how to create a map in Excel, the map is an x y scatter chart with an […]
Assign records unique random text strings
This article demonstrates a formula that distributes given text strings randomly across records in any given day meaning they may […]
Highlight duplicates in a filtered Excel Table
The image above demonstrates a conditional formatting formula applied to an Excel Table containing random data. The Excel Table has […]
How to use the MATCH function
Identify the position of a value in an array.
How to change a picture in a worksheet dynamically [VBA]
Rahul asks: I want to know how to create a vlookup sheet, and when we enter a name in a […]
How to sort a data set using three different approaches, built-in tools, array formulas, and VBA
I will in this article demonstrate three different techniques to sort a data set in Excel. The first method sorts […]
Convert array formula to a regular formula
This article explains how to avoid array formulas if needed. It won't work with all array formulas, however, smaller ones […]
Repeat values across cells
This article explains how to repeat specific values based on a table, the table contains the items to be repeated […]
Merge two relational data sets
This article demonstrates how to merge two relational data sets before creating a Pivot table. A Pivot Table is limited […]
Group rows based on a condition
What's on this page Group rows based on a condition Merge matching rows 1. Group rows based on a condition […]
Compare the performance of your stock portfolio to S&P 500 using Excel
Table of Contents Compare the performance of your stock portfolio to S&P 500 Tracking a stock portfolio in Excel (auto […]
How to use VLOOKUP/XLOOKUP with multiple conditions
I will in this article demonstrate how to use the VLOOKUP function with multiple conditions. The function was not built […]
Highlight lookups in relational tables
This article demonstrates a worksheet that highlights lookups across relational tables. I am using Excel defined Tables, if you add […]
Working with three relational tables
I will in this article demonstrate four formulas that do lookups, extract unique distinct and duplicate values and sums numbers […]
Extract unique distinct values from a relational table
In this post, I am going to show you how to extract unique distinct values and duplicates using a formula, […]
Lookups in relational tables
Excel 2010 has a PowerPivot feature and DAX formulas that let you work with multiple tables of data. You can […]
Filter values that exists in all three columns
This article explains how to extract values that exist in three different columns, they must occur in each of the […]
Search related table based on a date and date range
I will in this article demonstrate how to search a table for a date based on a condition and then […]
Excel calendar
Table of Contents Excel monthly calendar - VBA  Calendar Drop down lists Headers Calculating dates (formula) Conditional formatting Today Dates […]
Populate drop down list with filtered Excel Table values
This article demonstrates how to populate a drop down list with filtered values from an Excel defined Table. The animated […]
Use drop down lists and named ranges to filter chart values
This article demonstrates how to use drop down lists combined with an Excel defined Table and a chart. This allows […]
Shift Schedule
Geoff asks: Hi Oscar, I have a cross reference table we use for shift scheduling. The x-axis is comprised of […]
Plot buy and sell points in an Excel Chart based on two moving averages
This article demonstrates how to display buy and sell signals on an Excel chart based on two moving averages, the […]
Lookup multiple values across columns and return a single value
Table of Contents Lookup multiple values across columns and return a single value Lookup using multiple conditions Lookup a date […]
Unique distinct records sorted based on count or frequency
This article demonstrates how to sort records in a data set based on their count meaning the formula counts each […]
Auto populate a worksheet
Rodney Schmidt asks: I am a convenience store owner that is looking to make a spreadsheet formula. I want this […]
Partial match and return multiple adjacent values
This article demonstrates array formulas that search for cell values containing a search string and returns corresponding values on the […]
Dependent drop-down lists in multiple rows
This article demonstrates how to set up dependent drop-down lists in multiple cells. The drop-down lists are populated based on […]
Watch schedule that populates vacation time
This schedule uses the year and month in cell D1 and K1 to highlight activities like vacation specified in the […]
Label groups of duplicate records
Michael asks: I need to identify the duplicates based on the Columns D:H and put in Column C a small […]
Use a drop down list to search and return multiple values
I will in this article demonstrate how to use a value from a drop-down list and use it to do […]
Extract unique distinct values in a filtered list
This article demonstrates two formulas that extract distinct values from a filtered Excel Table, one formula for Excel 365 subscribers […]
Count cells between specified values
This article demonstrates formulas that calculate the number of cells between two values, the first scenario involves two search values […]
Extract unique distinct values based on a filtered Excel defined Table
This blog post demonstrates how to filter unique distinct values from an Excel table dynamically. When you change or add […]
Two-way lookup in multiple cross reference tables simultaneously
This article describes two ways to perform lookups in multiple in multiple cross reference tables simultaneously. The first one being […]
Remove common records between two data sets
This article demonstrates how to filter records occurring in only one out of two Excel defined tables. It also shows […]
Filter unique distinct values, sorted and blanks removed from a range
EEK asks: I am looking for the same formula on this page, but targeting a range of MxN (spanning multiple […]
Vlookup a cell range and return multiple values
VLOOKUP a multi-column range and return multiple values.
Search each column for a string each and return multiple records – OR logic
RU asks: Can you please suggest if i want to find out the rows with fixed value in "First Name" […]
How to compare two data sets
Table of Contents How to compare two data sets - Excel Table and autofilter Filter shared records from two tables […]
VLOOKUP – Return multiple unique distinct values
This article shows how to extract unique distinct values based on a condition applied to an adjacent column using formulas. […]
How to highlight differences and common values in lists
This article demonstrates techniques to highlight differences and common values across lists. What's on this page How to highlight differences […]
Create a drop down calendar
The drop down calendar in the image above uses a "calculation" sheet and a named range. You can copy the drop-down […]
Monthly calendar template
Table of Contents Monthly calendar template Monthly calendar template 2 1. Monthly calendar template The image above shows a calendar […]
Compare tables: Filter records occurring only in one table
Table of Contents Compare tables: Filter records occurring only in one table Compare two lists and filter unique values where […]
Lookup and return multiple values concatenated into one cell
This article demonstrates how to find a value in a column and concatenate corresponding values on the same row. The […]
Extract unique distinct values based on the 4 last characters
Sean asks: The good thing about this formula is that it is short and easy to remember. The main drawback […]
Apply dependent combo box selections to a filter
Josh asks: now if i only knew how to apply these dependent dropdown selections to a filter, i'd be set. […]
Sort rows based on frequency and criteria
Andre asks:I am trying to list people with the highest scores based on certain criteria. My data: column A B […]
True round-robin tournament
Mark G asks in Create a random playlist in excel: Can this example be modified to create a true round-robin […]
Create a random playlist
This article describes how to create a random playlist based on a given number of teams using an array formula. […]
Team Generator
Table of Contents Team Generator Dynamic team generator 1. Team Generator This section describes how to create teams randomly. There […]
Extract a unique distinct list and sum amounts based on a condition
Anura asks: Is it possible to extend this by matching items that meet a criteria? I have a list of […]
Create dependent drop down lists containing unique distinct values
Table of Contents Create dependent drop down lists containing unique distinct values - Excel 365 Create dependent drop down lists […]
Extract a unique distinct list sorted from A to Z ignore blanks
This article demonstrates ways to extract unique distinct sorted from A to Z ignoring blanks, and based on a condition. […]
Plot date ranges in a calendar
Table of Contents Plot date ranges in a calendar Plot date ranges in a calendar part 2 1. Plot date […]
List all unique distinct rows in a given month
This article demonstrates a formula that extracts unique distinct records/rows for a given month specified in cell C2, see the […]
Filter duplicates within same date, week or month
The image above demonstrates a formula in cell E3 that extracts duplicate items if they are on the same date. […]
Remove duplicates within same month or year
The array formula in cell B15 extracts dates from B4:B12 if it is not a duplicate item in the same […]
Automate net asset value (NAV) calculation on your stock portfolio
Table of Contents Automate net asset value (NAV) calculation on your stock portfolio Calculate your stock portfolio performance with Net […]
Match two criteria and return multiple records
This article demonstrates how to extract records/rows based on two conditions applied to two different columns, you can easily extend […]
Create number series
Excel has a great built-in tool for creating number series named Autofill. The tool is great, however, in some situations, […]
How to return a value if lookup value is in a range
In this article, I will demonstrate four different formulas that allow you to lookup a value that is to be found […]
VLOOKUP/XLOOKUP of three columns to pull a single record
Question: Does anyone know how to do a VLOOKUP of three columns to pull a single record? Table of Contents VLOOKUP […]
Formula for matching a date within a date range
This article demonstrates how to match a specified date to date ranges. The image above shows a formula in cell […]
Find the most recent date that meets a particular condition
This article demonstrates how to return the latest date based on a condition using formulas or a Pivot Table. The […]
Most frequent value between two dates
I will in this article show you how to extract the most frequent value (text or number) between two dates […]
5 easy ways to VLOOKUP and return multiple values
This post explains how to lookup a value and return multiple values. No array formula required.
Extract unique distinct values sorted based on sum of adjacent values
Filtering unique distinct text values and sorting them based on the sum of adjacent values can easily be done by […]
Filter unique values from a cell range
Unique values are values occurring only once in cell range. This is what I am going to demonstrate in this blog […]
Filter unique values sorted from A to Z
A unique value is a value that only exists once in a list. A unique distinct list contains all cell values […]
Create unique distinct list sorted based on text length
The formula in cell D3 extracts unique distinct values from B3:B20 sorted based on the number of characters, it works […]
How to list unique distinct values sorted by frequency
What's on this page Unique distinct values sorted based on frequency (single column) Unique distinct values sorted based on frequency […]
Extract unique distinct values sorted from A to Z
Table of Contents List a unique distinct list from a column sorted A to Z Extract a unique distinct list […]
Extract unique distinct values A to Z from a range and ignore blanks
This article demonstrates formulas that extract sorted unique distinct values from a cell range containing also blanks. Unique distinct values […]
Reverse a list ignoring blanks
This article demonstrates two different formulas, one for Excel 365 and one for earlier versions. Table of Contents Reverse a […]
Perform multiple partial matches and return records – AND logic
Question: Can expand this equation set into more than two colums of data, say if I had a first, middle […]
Filter values in common between two cell ranges
The image above shows an array formula in cell B12 that extracts values shared by cell range B2:D4 (One) and […]
Filter values occurring in range 1 but not in range 2
Table of Contents Filter values occurring in range 1 but not in range 2 Filter not shared values out of […]
Sort a range from A to Z [Array formula]
Question: How do I sort a range alphabetically using excel array formula? Answer: Cell range $B$2:$E$5 contains text values in random […]
Extract duplicates from a multi-column cell range
This article describes two formulas that extract duplicates from a multi-column cell range, the first one is built for Excel […]
Search for a text string in a data set and return multiple records
This article explains different techniques that filter rows/records that contain a given text string in any of the cell values […]
Sort text cells alphabetically from two columns
Table of Contents Sort text from two columns combined (array formula) Sort text from multiple cell ranges combined (user defined […]
How to perform a two-dimensional lookup
Table of Contents How to perform a two-dimensional lookup Reverse two-way lookups in a cross reference table [Excel 2016] Reverse […]
Extract a list of duplicates from three columns combined
This webpage demonstrates formulas that merge three non-adjacent cell ranges. What's on this webpage Extract a list of duplicates from […]
Extract a list of duplicates from a column
The array formula in cell C2 extracts duplicate values from column A. Only one duplicate of each value is displayed […]
Extract a unique distinct list from three columns
Question: How do I extract a unique distinct list from three ranges or lists? The ranges are not necessarily adjacent […]
Extract a unique distinct list from two columns
Question: I have two ranges or lists (List1 and List2) from where I would like to extract a unique distinct […]
Find missing numbers
Table of Contents Find missing numbers in a column based on a given range Find missing three character alpha code […]
Count unique distinct values
This article describes how to count unique distinct values. What are unique distinct values? They are all values but duplicates are […]
Populate drop down list with unique distinct values sorted from A to Z
Question: How do I create a drop-down list with unique distinct alphabetically sorted values? Table of contents Sort values using […]
Lookup the nearest date
Table of Contents Lookup the nearest date Lookup min max values within a date range 1. Lookup the nearest date […]
Partial match with two conditions and return multiple results
This article demonstrates a formula that extracts a row or record from a data table using two strings as criteria. […]
Filter unique distinct values based on a date range
Table of Contents Filter unique distinct values based on a date range Filter unique distinct values based on a date […]
Sort column based on frequency
This article demonstrates a formula that sorts cell values by their frequency, in other words, how many times a value […]
Partial match for multiple strings – AND logic
This article demonstrates formulas that let you perform partial matches based on multiple strings and return those strings if all […]
Extract a unique distinct list sorted from A to Z
Table of Contents Extract a unique distinct list sorted from A to Z Unique distinct list sorted alphabetically based on […]
How to quickly find the maximum or minimum value [Formula]
This article demonstrates formulas that will return the largest and smallest numbers, the corresponding column headers, the cell addresses, and […]
5 easy ways to extract Unique Distinct Values
First, let me explain the difference between unique values and unique distinct values, it is important you know the difference […]
Sort a column alphabetically
Table of Contents Sort a column - Excel 365 Sort a column using array formula Two columns sorting by the […]
Extract unique distinct values from a multi-column cell range
This article demonstrates ways to list unique distinct values in a cell range with multiple columns. The data is not […]
Extract records between two dates
This article presents methods for filtering rows in a dataset based on a start and end date. The image above […]
Extract shared values between two columns
This article demonstrates ways to extract shared values in different cell ranges, two and three cell ranges. The Excel 365 […]
How to extract email addresses from an Excel sheet
Question: How to extract email addresses from this sheet? Answer: It depends on how the emails are populated in your worksheet? […]
Filter unique distinct records
Table of contents Filter unique distinct row records Filter unique distinct row records but not blanks Filter unique distinct row […]
What values are missing in List 1 that exists i List 2?
This article shows how to compare two nonadjacent cell ranges and extract values that exist only in one of the […]
Find closest value
This article demonstrates formulas that extract the nearest number in a cell range to a condition. The image above shows […]
Cleaning Up Excel Worksheets: Eliminating Blank Cells, Rows, and Errors
In this blog post I will demonstrate methods on how to find, select, and deleting blank cells and errors. Why […]

Excel formula categories

AverageChooseCombine MergeCompareConcatenateConditional FormattingCountCount valuesDatesDuplicatesExtractFilterFilter recordsFiltered valuesFilterxmlHyperlinkIf cellIndex MatchLogicLookupsMatchMaxMinNumbers in sumOR logicOverlappingPartial matchRecordsSequenceSmallSort bySort valuesSumSumifsSumproductString manipulationTimeUnique distinct recordsUnique distinct valuesUnique recordsUnique valuesVlookupVlookup return values

Excel categories