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'ROWS function' category

Engineering functions – D to IMC
Table of Contents How to use the DEC2BIN function How to use the DEC2HEX function How to use the DEC2OCT […]
Date and Time Functions – N to Z
Table of Contents How to use the NETWORKDAYS function How to use the NETWORKDAYS.INTL function How to use the NOW […]
Date and Time Functions – A to M
Table of Contents How to use the DATE function How to use the DATEDIF function How to use the DATEVALUE […]
Array Manipulation Functions
Table of Contents How to use the CHOOSECOLS function How to use the CHOOSEROWS function How to use the DROP […]
How to use the MAKEARRAY function
What is the MAKEARRAY function? The MAKEARRAY function returns an array with a specific number of rows and columns calculated […]
How to decode URL-encoded strings
This formula decodes a URL-encoded string, replacing specific percentage symbol (%) and a hexadecimal number with non-alphanumeric characters. Excel 365 […]
Get date ranges from a schedule
This article demonstrates ways to extract names and corresponding populated date ranges from a schedule using Excel 365 and earlier […]
How to replace part of formula in all cells
Table of Contents How to replace part of formula in all cells Substitute multiple text strings - Excel 365 recursive […]
How to copy non contiguous cell ranges
Table of Contents How to copy non contiguous cell ranges How to copy every n-th row from a list 1. […]
Rearrange values in a cell range to a single column
This article demonstrates formulas that rearrange values in a cell range to a single column. Table of Contents Rearrange cells […]
How to use the ROWS function
The ROWS function allows you to calculate the number of rows in a cell range. The example above shows that cell […]
This article demonstrates how to extract multiple numbers based on a condition and return a sorted list from small to […]
How to ignore zeros using the SMALL function
This article shows how to create a formula that sorts numbers from small to large excluding zeros. I will also […]
SMALL function – multiple conditions
This article demonstrates how to sort numbers from small to large using a condition or criteria, I will show how […]
SMALL function for text
This article demonstrates a formula that sorts text values based on character length, the Excel 365 dynamic array formula is […]
SMALL function ignore duplicates
This article demonstrates ways to sort numbers from smallest to largest ignoring duplicate numbers. Table of Contents SMALL function with […]
INDEX MATCH – multiple results
Table of Contents INDEX MATCH - multiple results INDEX and MATCH - multiple criteria and multiple results INDEX and MATCH […]
INDEX MATCH with multiple criteria
This article demonstrates formulas that let you perform lookups using two or more conditions. The image above shows two conditions […]
Rearrange values using formulas
The picture above shows data presented in only one column (column B), this happens sometimes when you get an undesired […]
How to extract a case sensitive unique list from a column
This article demonstrates a formula that extracts unique values from a column also considering upper and lower characters (case sensitive). […]
Count unique distinct values based on a condition
This article demonstrates how to construct a formula that counts unique distinct values based on a condition. The image above […]
Extract a list of alphabetically sorted duplicates based on a condition
The following image shows you a data set in columns B and C. The formula in cell E2 extracts a […]
Extract duplicate values with exceptions
This article demonstrates formulas that extract duplicate values from a column, however, column D contains values that you don't want […]
Filter duplicate values based on criteria
This article demonstrates formulas and Excel tools that extract duplicates based on three conditions. The first and second condition is […]
Use VLOOKUP and return multiple values sorted from A to Z
This article demonstrates how to extract multiple values based on a search value and display them sorted from A to […]
How to use Excel Tables
An Excel table allows you to easily sort, filter and sum values in a data set where values are related.
How to extract rows containing digits [Formula]
This article describes a formula that returns all rows containing at least one digit 0 (zero) to 9. What's on […]
Compare two columns in different worksheets
This article describes an array formula that compares values from two different columns in two worksheets twice and returns a […]
Sort values by corresponding text arranged in a column
This article describes a formula that sorts values arranged in a column from A to z by every other value. […]
Multiply numbers in each row by entire cell range
This article demonstrates a recursive LAMBDA function and a User Defined Function (UDF) that multiplies numbers in each row with […]
Follow stock market trends – Moving Average
In my previous post, I described how to build a dynamic stock chart that lets you easily adjust the date […]
Sort based on frequency row-wise
In this article, I will demonstrate two techniques for counting per row. The first example is simple and straightforward. The […]
Find empty dates in a set of date ranges
The formula in cell B8, shown above, extracts dates not included in the specified date ranges, in other words, dates […]
Dynamic scoreboard
This article demonstrates a scoreboard, displayed to the left, that sorts contestants based on total scores and refreshes instantly each […]
Find numbers closest to sum
Excelxor is such a great website for inspiration, I am really impressed by this post Which numbers add up to […]
Extract the most repeated adjacent values in a column
The array formula in cell D3 returns the the length of longest consecutive sequence of a value in column A.  Cell […]
Search for a sequence of values
This article demonstrates array formulas that identify two search values in a row or in a sequence. The image above […]
Sort by multiple columns
This article demonstrates how to sort a data set by multipe columns using the SORTBY function, Ecel Table and Excel […]
Lookup and return multiple sorted values based on corresponding values in another column
This article demonstrates a formula that extracts values based on a condition and sorts the returned values based on values […]
Compare two columns and extract differences
This article demonstrates formulas that extract values that exist only in one column out of two columns. There are text […]
Find all sequences of consecutive dates
This article demonstrates formulas that display dates that follow each other in sequence. Dates June 5, 2025 and June 6, […]
How to sort a data set using three different approaches, built-in tools, array formulas, and VBA
I will in this article demonstrate three different techniques to sort a data set in Excel. The first method sorts […]
Working with date ranges
Table of Contents Find date range based on a date Sort dates within a date range 1. Find date range […]
How to use VLOOKUP/XLOOKUP with multiple conditions
I will in this article demonstrate how to use the VLOOKUP function with multiple conditions. The function was not built […]
Search related table based on a date and date range
I will in this article demonstrate how to search a table for a date based on a condition and then […]
Populate drop down list with filtered Excel Table values
This article demonstrates how to populate a drop down list with filtered values from an Excel defined Table. The animated […]
Shift Schedule
Geoff asks: Hi Oscar, I have a cross reference table we use for shift scheduling. The x-axis is comprised of […]
Partial match and return multiple adjacent values
This article demonstrates array formulas that search for cell values containing a search string and returns corresponding values on the […]
Dependent drop-down lists in multiple rows
This article demonstrates how to set up dependent drop-down lists in multiple cells. The drop-down lists are populated based on […]
Extract unique distinct values in a filtered list
This article demonstrates two formulas that extract distinct values from a filtered Excel Table, one formula for Excel 365 subscribers […]
Count unique distinct values that meet multiple criteria
This post demonstrates how to build formulas that counts unique distinct values based on criteria. The image above demonstrates an […]
Search each column for a string each and return multiple records – OR logic
RU asks: Can you please suggest if i want to find out the rows with fixed value in "First Name" […]
How to compare two data sets
Table of Contents How to compare two data sets - Excel Table and autofilter Filter shared records from two tables […]
Filter unique distinct records case sensitive
This article demonstrates two ways to extract unique and unique distinct rows from a given cell range. The first one […]
Create a drop down calendar
The drop down calendar in the image above uses a "calculation" sheet and a named range. You can copy the drop-down […]
Sort rows based on frequency and criteria
Andre asks:I am trying to list people with the highest scores based on certain criteria. My data: column A B […]
True round-robin tournament
Mark G asks in Create a random playlist in excel: Can this example be modified to create a true round-robin […]
Team Generator
Table of Contents Team Generator Dynamic team generator 1. Team Generator This section describes how to create teams randomly. There […]
Create numbers based on numerical ranges
Table of Contents Create numbers based on numerical ranges - Excel 365 Create numbers based on numerical ranges - earlier […]
Find empty hours in a weekly schedule
The image above demonstartes an array formula in cell B34 that extracts empty hours in a weekly calendar. I have created […]
Create dependent drop down lists containing unique distinct values
Table of Contents Create dependent drop down lists containing unique distinct values - Excel 365 Create dependent drop down lists […]
Extract dates from overlapping date ranges
The array formula in cell B3 extracts overlapping dates based on the date ranges in columns D and E. What's […]
Convert date ranges into dates
This article demonstrates how to create a list of dates based on multiple date ranges. Table of contents Convert date […]
Remove duplicates within same month or year
The array formula in cell B15 extracts dates from B4:B12 if it is not a duplicate item in the same […]
Match two criteria and return multiple records
This article demonstrates how to extract records/rows based on two conditions applied to two different columns, you can easily extend […]
Create number series
Excel has a great built-in tool for creating number series named Autofill. The tool is great, however, in some situations, […]
How to return a value if lookup value is in a range
In this article, I will demonstrate four different formulas that allow you to lookup a value that is to be found […]
Find the most recent date that meets a particular condition
This article demonstrates how to return the latest date based on a condition using formulas or a Pivot Table. The […]
Create a quartely date range
I will demonstrate three different methods to build quarterly date ranges in this article. The two first methods have a […]
5 easy ways to VLOOKUP and return multiple values
This post explains how to lookup a value and return multiple values. No array formula required.
Filter unique values sorted from A to Z
A unique value is a value that only exists once in a list. A unique distinct list contains all cell values […]
Extract numbers from a column
I this article I will show you how to get numerical values from a cell range manually and using an […]
Reverse a list ignoring blanks
This article demonstrates two different formulas, one for Excel 365 and one for earlier versions. Table of Contents Reverse a […]
Perform multiple partial matches and return records – AND logic
Question: Can expand this equation set into more than two colums of data, say if I had a first, middle […]
Sort a range from A to Z [Array formula]
Question: How do I sort a range alphabetically using excel array formula? Answer: Cell range $B$2:$E$5 contains text values in random […]
Search for a text string in a data set and return multiple records
This article explains different techniques that filter rows/records that contain a given text string in any of the cell values […]
Sort text cells alphabetically from two columns
Table of Contents Sort text from two columns combined (array formula) Sort text from multiple cell ranges combined (user defined […]
Merge cell ranges into one list
The above image demonstrates a formula that adds values in three different columns into one column. Table of Contents Merge […]
Extract a list of duplicates from three columns combined
This webpage demonstrates formulas that merge three non-adjacent cell ranges. What's on this webpage Extract a list of duplicates from […]
Extract a list of duplicates from a column
The array formula in cell C2 extracts duplicate values from column A. Only one duplicate of each value is displayed […]
How to create date ranges in Excel
Question: I am trying to create an excel spreadsheet that has a date range. Example: Cell A1 1/4/2009-1/10/2009 Cell B1 […]
Find missing numbers
Table of Contents Find missing numbers in a column based on a given range Find missing three character alpha code […]
Split values equally into groups
  Table of Contents Split values equally into groups Rearrange values based on category - VBA 1. Split values equally […]
Partial match with two conditions and return multiple results
This article demonstrates a formula that extracts a row or record from a data table using two strings as criteria. […]
Partial match for multiple strings – AND logic
This article demonstrates formulas that let you perform partial matches based on multiple strings and return those strings if all […]
5 easy ways to extract Unique Distinct Values
First, let me explain the difference between unique values and unique distinct values, it is important you know the difference […]
Sort a column alphabetically
Table of Contents Sort a column - Excel 365 Sort a column using array formula Two columns sorting by the […]
Extract shared values between two columns
This article demonstrates ways to extract shared values in different cell ranges, two and three cell ranges. The Excel 365 […]
What values are missing in List 1 that exists i List 2?
This article shows how to compare two nonadjacent cell ranges and extract values that exist only in one of the […]
Cleaning Up Excel Worksheets: Eliminating Blank Cells, Rows, and Errors
In this blog post I will demonstrate methods on how to find, select, and deleting blank cells and errors. Why […]

Excel formula categories

AverageChooseCombine MergeCompareConcatenateConditional FormattingCountCount valuesDatesDuplicatesExtractFilterFilter recordsFiltered valuesFilterxmlHyperlinkIf cellIndex MatchLogicLookupsMatchMaxMinNumbers in sumOR logicOverlappingPartial matchRecordsSequenceSmallSort bySort valuesSumSumifsSumproductString manipulationTimeUnique distinct recordsUnique distinct valuesUnique recordsUnique valuesVlookupVlookup return values

Excel categories