Welcome to the archive

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1 Financial functions – PMT to RATE
2 Financial functions – A to PD
3 Engineering functions – IMD to Z
4 Engineering functions – D to IMC
5 Engineering functions – A to C
6 Date and Time Functions – N to Z
7 Date and Time Functions – A to M
8 Compatibility Functions
9 Array Manipulation Functions
10 How to use the KURT function
11 How to use the HARMEAN function
12 How to use the MAKEARRAY function
13 How to use the BYROW function
14 How to use the BYCOL function
15 How to use the SCAN function
16 How to use the MAP function
17 How to use the REDUCE function
18 How to use the HYPGEOM.DIST function
19 How to track sector performance in the stock market – Excel template
20 How to use the IMPOWER function
21 How to use the asterisk character
22 How to use the VALUETOTEXT function
23 How to use the ARRAYTOTEXT function
24 How to decode URL-encoded strings
25 How to use the IMAGE function
26 How to use the LAMBDA function
27 How to use the REPLACE function
28 How to use the WRAPROWS function
29 How to use the TEXTSPLIT function
30 How to use the TEXTAFTER function
31 How to use the TEXTBEFORE function
32 How to use the STOCKHISTORY function
33 How to use the XMATCH function
34 How to use the LET function
35 How to use the XLOOKUP function
36 How to use the FILTERXML function
37 How to use the ROUND function
38 How to use the RANDARRAY function
39 How to use the SEQUENCE function
40 How to use the SORTBY function
41 How to use the SORT function
42 How to use the FILTER function
43 How to use the UNIQUE function
44 How to solve simultaneous linear equations in Excel
45 How to use the XNPV function
46 How to use the RRI function
47 How to do tiered calculations in one formula
48 How to use the ROUNDDOWN function
49 How to use the ROUNDUP function
50 Excel charts tips and tricks
51 How to use the VDB function
52 How to use the AMORDEGRC function
53 How to use the YIELD function
54 How to use the SYD function
55 How to use the TBILLEQ function
56 How to use the TBILLPRICE function
57 How to use the TBILLYIELD function
58 How to use the UNICODE function
59 How to use the UNICHAR function
60 How to use the PERCENTRANK.EXC function
61 How to use the PERCENTRANK.INC function
62 How to use the QUARTILE.EXC function
63 How to use the LOGNORM.DIST function
64 Conditional Formatting Basics
65 How to use the LOG10 function
66 How to use the LOGEST function
67 How to use the LINEST function
68 How to use the GAMMA.DIST function
69 Calculate the number of weeks between given dates
70 How to add chart elements
71 How to use the F.TEST function
72 Excel VBA functions
73 How to use the INTERCEPT function
74 How to use the F.DIST.RT function
75 How to use the F.DIST function
76 How to use the BINOM.INV function
77 How to use the CHISQ.TEST function
78 How to use the COVARIANCE.S function
79 How to use the COVARIANCE.P function
80 How to use the COTH function
81 How to use the XOR function
82 How to use the CHISQ.INV.RT function
83 How to use the CHISQ.INV function
84 How to use the CHISQ.DIST.RT function
85 How to use the CHISQ.DIST function
86 How to use the BINOM.DIST function
87 How to use the BETA.INV function
88 How to use the BETA.DIST function
89 How to use the RANK.EQ function
90 How to use the CONFIDENCE.T function
91 How to use the CONFIDENCE.NORM function
92 How to use the MODE.SNGL function
93 How to use the FLOOR.PRECISE function
94 How to use the CSC function
95 How to use the GROWTH function
96 How to use the ERROR.TYPE function
97 How to use the GCD function
98 How to use the GEOMEAN function
99 How to use the GAMMA function
100 How to use the SLOPE function
101 How to use the RANGE.FIND method
102 How to use the SKEW function
103 How to use the PROB function
104 How to use the PHI function
105 How to use the CONCATENATE function
106 Get date ranges from a schedule
107 How to replace part of formula in all cells
108 Copy data from workbooks in folder and subfolders
109 How to position month and year between chart tick marks
110 How to copy non contiguous cell ranges
111 Search for a file in folder and subfolders [UDF]
112 How to use the MUNIT function
113 How to use the RAND function
114 How to use the MULTINOMIAL function
115 How to use the MINIFS function
116 How to use the MINA function
117 How to use the MINVERSE function
118 How to use the NORM.INV function
119 Advanced Excel Chart Techniques
120 How to use the NORM.DIST function
121 How to use the WEBSERVICE function
122 How to create charts in Excel
123 How to use the VAR.S function
124 How to use the VAR.P function
125 How to use the FORECAST.LINEAR function
126 Count cells with text
127 Count rows containing data
128 How to use the BITLSHIFT function
129 How to use the BITAND function
130 How to use the BASE function
131 How to use the AVEDEV function
132 How to use the ATANH function
133 How to use the ATAN2 function
134 How to use the ATAN function
135 How to use the ASINH function
136 How to use the ASIN function
137 How to use the ASC function
138 How to use the ACOTH function
139 How to use the ACOT function
140 How to use the ACOSH function
141 How to use the ACOS function
142 How to use the NA function
143 How to use the TYPE function
144 How to use the TRUNC function
145 How to use the TRIMMEAN function
146 How to use the TREND function
147 How to use the SERIESSUM function
148 How to use the SECH function
149 How to use the COT function
150 How to use the COSH function
151 How to use the SINH function
152 How to use the TANH function
153 How to use the SUMXMY2 function
154 How to use the SUMX2PY2 function
155 How to use the SUMX2MY2 function
156 How to use the SUMSQ function
157 How to use the STDEVPA function
158 How to use the STANDARDIZE function
159 How to use the STDEV.S function
160 How to use the STDEV.P function
161 How to use the SEC function
162 How to use the RANK.AVG function
163 How to use the QUARTILE.INC function
164 How to use the FLOOR.MATH function
165 How to sum overlapping time
166 How to use the FIXED function
167 How to use the FACTDOUBLE function
168 How to use the EXPON.DIST function
169 How to use the ENCODEURL function
170 How to use the DECIMAL function
171 How to use the CORREL function
172 How to use the CONCAT function
173 How to use the CEILING function
174 How to use the AVERAGEA function
175 How to use the AREAS function
176 How to use the LCM function
177 How to use the SWITCH function
178 How to use the STDEVA function
179 How to use the SHEETS function
180 How to use the SHEET function
181 How to use the MROUND function
182 How to use the NOT function
183 How to use the SQRT function
184 How to use the SIGN function
185 How to use the T function
186 How to use the N function
187 How to use the MODE.MULT function
188 How to use the MEDIAN function
189 How to use the LOG function
190 How to use the LN function
191 How to use the INFO function
192 How to use the PERMUTATIONA function
193 How to use the COMBINA function
194 How to use the PRODUCT function
195 Rearrange values in a cell range to a single column
196 Get the latest revision
197 How to use the TRUE function
198 How to use the DEGREES function
199 How to use the RADIANS function
200 How to use the PI function
201 How to use the FORMULATEXT function
202 How to use the ISFORMULA function
203 How to use the ISODD function
204 How to use the ISERR function
205 How to use the FIND function
206 How to use the ISNA function
207 How to use the ISREF function
208 How to use the ISNONTEXT function
209 How to use the ISLOGICAL function
210 How to use the ISTEXT function
211 How to use the ISERROR function
212 How to use the ISBLANK function
213 How to use the POWER function
214 How to extract numbers from a cell value
215 How to use the VALUE function
216 How to use the DO LOOP statement
217 How to use the TAN function
218 How to use the COS function
219 How to use the SIN function
220 How to use the EVEN function
221 How to use the EXP function
222 How to use the RANDBETWEEN function
223 How to use the FALSE function
224 How to use the FACT function
225 How to use the IFNA function
226 How to use the IFS function
227 How to use the INT function
228 How to use the CLEAN function
229 How to use the COMBIN function
230 How to use the PERMUT function
231 How to use the LEN function
232 How to use the COUNTBLANK function
233 How to use the COUNTA function
234 How to use the COLUMNS function
235 How to use the ROWS function
236 How to use the MAX function
237 How to use the MAXIFS function
238 How to use the LARGE function
239 How to use the CELL function
240 How to use the COUNT function
241 How to use the CHAR function
242 How to use the CODE function
243 How to use the COLUMN function
244 How to use the FOR NEXT statement
245 How to use the AVERAGEIFS function
246 How to use the AVERAGEIF function
247 How to use the AGGREGATE function
248 How to use the ADDRESS function
249 How to use the ISNUMBER function
250 How to use the LOWER function
251 How to use the REPT function
252 How to use the SUBSTITUTE function
253 How to use the UPPER function
254 How to use the EXACT function
255 How to use the IF THEN ELSE ELSEIF END IF statement [VBA]
256 How to use the TRIM function
257 How to remove numbers from a cell value
258 How to use the ABS function
259 Extract specific word based on position in cell value
260 How to use the RIGHT function
261 How to use the LEFT function
262 How to use the MID function
263 How to use the MIN function
264 How to use the SUMIFS function
265 How to use the CHOOSE function
266 Count cells containing text from list
267 AVERAGE based on criteria
268 If cell contains multiple values
269 SMALL function – INDEX MATCH
270 How to ignore zeros using the SMALL function
271 SMALL function – multiple conditions
272 SMALL function for text
273 AVERAGE ignore NA()
274 How to AVERAGE time
275 AVERAGE ignore blanks
276 How to use the AVERAGE function
277 SMALL function ignore duplicates
278 SUMPRODUCT and nested IF functions
279 SUMPRODUCT if not blank
280 SUMPRODUCT and IF function
281 SUMPRODUCT – multiple criteria
282 INDEX MATCH – Case sensitive
283 Excel formula not working
284 INDEX MATCH – multiple results
285 Match two columns and return another value on the same row
286 If cell equals value from list
287 How to use the SUBTOTAL function
288 If cell contains text from list
289 IF with OR function
290 INDEX MATCH with multiple criteria
291 How to use the COUNTIF function to count not blank cells
292 If cell contains text
293 How to use the OR function
294 How to use the AND function
295 Use IF + COUNTIF to evaluate multiple conditions
296 IF function with AND function – multiple conditions
297 How to use nested IF functions
298 How to use the HYPERLINK function
299 How to use the TEXT function
300 How to use the SUMIF function
301 Distribute values across numerical ranges
302 How to create running totals
303 Rearrange values using formulas
304 User opens or closes a workbook creates an event
305 How to extract a case sensitive unique list from a column
306 Count unique distinct values based on a condition
307 Extract a list of alphabetically sorted duplicates based on a condition
308 Extract duplicate values with exceptions
309 Filter duplicate values based on criteria
310 Find last value in a column
311 Lookup and match last value – reverse lookup
312 Use VLOOKUP and return multiple values sorted from A to Z
313 Concatenate unique distinct values
314 How to use the SUM function
315 How to use the HLOOKUP function
316 How to use the VLOOKUP function
317 Partial match and return value with highest level
318 Use VLOOKUP to calculate discounts, commissions, tariffs, charges, shipping costs, packaging expenses or bonuses
319 Count matching strings using regular expressions
320 Split search value using a delimiter and search for each substring
321 Fetching values from ThingSpeak programmatically
322 How to use Excel Tables
323 Rotating unique groups with no repeat
324 Time sheet for work
325 Extract cell references from a formula
326 How to extract rows containing digits [Formula]
327 How to use the LIKE OPERATOR
328 Calendar – monthly view
329 How to generate a round-robin tournament
330 List permutations with repetition and how many to choose from
331 How to use DIALOG BOXES
332 List all permutations with a condition
333 How to use Pivot Tables – Excel’s most powerful feature and also least known
334 How to use the TEXTJOIN function
335 Working with ARRAY VARIABLES (VBA)
336 How to calculate and plot pivots on an Excel chart
337 Count identical values if they are on the same row
338 Compare two columns in different worksheets
339 Sort values by corresponding text arranged in a column
340 Sort items by adjacent number in every other value
341 Multiply numbers in each row by entire cell range
342 Resize a range of values (UDF)
343 Follow stock market trends – trailing stop
344 Follow stock market trends – Moving Average
345 Dynamic stock chart
346 Find and return the highest number and corresponding date based on a condition
347 How to add horizontal line to chart
348 A beginners guide to Excel array formulas
349 How to color chart bars based on their values
350 Count overlapping days across multiple date ranges
351 How to improve your Excel Chart
352 How to use the TRANSPOSE function
353 Calculate time between time zones
354 Find and replace strings in file names, folder name and subfolders
355 Sum numerical ranges between two numbers
356 Sort based on frequency row-wise
357 Count overlapping days in multiple date ranges, part 2
358 Count overlapping days in multiple date ranges
359 Find empty dates in a set of date ranges
360 Dynamic scoreboard
361 Working with overlapping date ranges
362 How to calculate overlapping time ranges
363 How to build a Team Generator – different number of people per team
364 Working with LIST BOXES (Form Controls)
365 Split expenses calculator
366 How to count repeating values
367 List all hyperlinks in worksheet programmatically
368 How to automatically add new items to a drop down list
369 How to use the QUOTIENT function
370 Return all combinations
371 Find numbers closest to sum
372 Filter duplicate files in a folder and subfolders
373 Compare file names in two different folder locations and their sub folders
374 How to save specific multiple worksheets to a pdf file programmatically
375 Find cells containing formulas with literal (hardcoded) values
376 How to use the LOOKUP function
377 How to use the INDIRECT function
378 Find the most/least consecutive repeated value [VBA]
379 How to use the TEXTTOCOLUMNS method
380 How to count the number of values separated by a delimiter
381 Extract the most repeated adjacent values in a column
382 Search for a sequence of cells based on wildcard search
383 Search for a sequence of values
384 Search all workbooks in a folder and sub folders – VBA
385 Working with comments – VBA
386 Add pictures to a chart axis
387 How to group items by quarter using formulas
388 Working with Excel tables programmatically
389 How to highlight row of the selected cell programmatically
390 A quicker A * pathfinding algorithm
391 How to use the MOD function
392 Finding the shortest path – A * pathfinding
393 Working with classic ciphers in Excel
394 Move data to workbooks
395 How to use the Subtotal tool
396 Print screen the entire worksheet
397 Highlight unique values in a filtered Excel table
398 Customize Excel maze
399 Solve a maze programmatically in Excel
400 Build a maze programmatically in Excel
401 Merge tables based on a condition
402 Lookup value based on two critera – second criteria is the adjacent value and its position in a given list
403 Find last matching value in an unsorted list
404 Multi-level To-Do list template
405 How to animate an Excel chart
406 Sort by multiple columns
407 Search all workbooks in a folder
408 All you need to know about calculating NAV units for your stock portfolio
409 Lookup and return multiple sorted values based on corresponding values in another column
410 Customize the ribbon and how to add your macros
411 Identify rows of overlapping records
412 Remove print preview lines (Page Breaks)
413 Compare two columns and extract differences
414 How to filter chart data
415 Working with TEXT BOXES [Form Controls]
416 Show / hide a picture using a button
417 Wildcard lookups and include or exclude criteria
418 Lookup with any number of criteria
419 Hide specific worksheets programmatically
420 How to use the Scroll Bar
421 Count Conditionally Formatted cells
422 Count cells based on background color
423 Find earliest and latest overlapping dates in a set of date ranges based on a condition
424 How to select and delete blank cells
425 Prevent duplicate records in a worksheet
426 Color chart columns based on cell color
427 Count unique distinct values by cell color
428 Pivot Table calendar
429 Highlight date ranges overlapping selected record [VBA]
430 Practice basic arithmetic calculations in Excel
431 Which Excel files in folder are password protected?
432 Count text string in all formulas in a worksheet [VBA]
433 Easily select data using hyperlinks
434 Navigate to first empty cell using a hyperlink formula
435 How to use the IFERROR function
436 Create a hyperlink linked to the result of a two-dimensional lookup
437 How to generate random numbers and text
438 Compare data in an Excel chart using drop down lists
439 Locate a shape in a workbook
440 Hover with mouse cursor to change stock in a candlestick chart
441 Find all sequences of consecutive dates
442 How to use the FREQUENCY function
443 Heat map using pictures
444 How to use the SUMPRODUCT function
445 How to build an interactive map in Excel
446 How to use the SEARCH function
447 Yet another Excel Calendar
448 How to use the MMULT function
449 How to use the SMALL function
450 Working with FILES
451 Assign records unique random text strings
452 How to use the ROW function
453 Highlight duplicates in a filtered Excel Table
454 How to use the COUNTIFS function
455 How to use the IF function
456 How to use the COUNTIF function
457 Units contained in a range that overlap another range
458 How to use the MATCH function
459 How to use the INDEX function
460 How to change a picture in a worksheet dynamically [VBA]
461 Count specific multiple text strings in a given cell range
462 Move a shape [VBA]
463 How to sort a data set using three different approaches, built-in tools, array formulas, and VBA
464 Convert array formula to a regular formula
465 Highlight group of values in an x y scatter chart programmatically
466 Highlight a data series in a chart
467 Highlight events in a yearly calendar
468 Repeat values across cells
469 Merge two relational data sets
470 Lookup multiple values in one cell
471 Run a Macro from a Drop Down list [VBA]
472 Advanced Techniques for Conditional Formatting
473 Prevent overlapping date and time ranges using data validation
474 Group rows based on a condition
475 Working with date ranges
476 Analyze trends using pivot tables
477 Compare the performance of your stock portfolio to S&P 500 using Excel
478 How to use VLOOKUP/XLOOKUP with multiple conditions
479 Highlight lookups in relational tables
480 Working with three relational tables
481 Extract unique distinct values from a relational table
482 How to use an Excel Table name in Data Validation Lists and Conditional Formatting formulas
483 Lookups in relational tables
484 Copy worksheets in active workbook to new workbooks
485 Filter values that exists in all three columns
486 Search related table based on a date and date range
487 Excel calendar
488 Populate drop down list with filtered Excel Table values
489 Use drop down lists and named ranges to filter chart values
490 Shift Schedule
491 Extract cell references populated with values [VBA]
492 How to use mouse hover on a worksheet [VBA]
493 Sort values in a cell based on a delimiting character
494 Macro creates links to all sheets, tables, pivot tables and named ranges
495 Count unique distinct values in a filtered Excel defined Table
496 Create links to all sheets in a workbook programmatically
497 Create new worksheets programmatically based on values in a cell range [VBA]
498 Change chart axis range programmatically
499 List files in folder and create hyperlinks (VBA)
500 Plot buy and sell points in an Excel Chart based on two moving averages
501 Add buy and sell points to a stock chart
502 How to create an interactive Excel chart [VBA]
503 Prepare data for Pivot Table – How to split concatenated values?
504 Lookup multiple values across columns and return a single value
505 Excel template: Getting Things Done [VBA]
506 Create date ranges that stay within month
507 Add values to a two-dimensional table based on conditions [VBA]
508 Unique distinct records sorted based on count or frequency
509 Count groups of repeated values per row
510 Use a drop down list to filter and concatenate unique distinct values
511 Add or remove a value in a drop down list programmatically
512 Open Excel files in a folder [VBA]
513 Auto populate a worksheet
514 Partial match and return multiple adjacent values
515 Toggle a macro on/off using a button
516 Use a drop down list to display data in worksheet header [VBA]
517 Automate data entry [VBA]
518 Apply drop-down lists dynamically
519 Working with Conditional Formatting formulas
520 How to create random numbers, text strings, dates and time values
521 Dependent drop-down lists in multiple rows
522 Watch schedule that populates vacation time
523 Auto resize columns as you type
524 Copy a dynamic cell range [VBA]
525 Label groups of duplicate records
526 Working with COMBO BOXES [Form Controls]
527 Use a drop down list to search and return multiple values
528 How to create permutations
529 Extract unique distinct values in a filtered list
530 Add checkboxes and copy values – VBA
531 Count cells between specified values
532 Add values to a regular drop-down list programmatically
533 Rearrange data
534 Extract unique distinct values based on a filtered Excel defined Table
535 Two-way lookup in multiple cross reference tables simultaneously
536 Remove common records between two data sets
537 Filter unique distinct values, sorted and blanks removed from a range
538 Vlookup across multiple sheets
539 Count unique distinct values that meet multiple criteria
540 Vlookup a cell range and return multiple values
541 How to save custom functions and macros to an Add-In
542 Search each column for a string each and return multiple records – OR logic
543 How to compare two data sets
544 VLOOKUP – Return multiple unique distinct values
545 Filter unique distinct records case sensitive
546 Create a dynamic named range
547 How to create a dynamic pivot table and refresh automatically
548 Bill reminder in excel
549 Running totals based on criteria
550 How to highlight differences and common values in lists
551 Analyze word frequency in a cell range
552 Fuzzy lookups
553 Fuzzy VLOOKUP
554 A Comprehensive Guide to Splitting Text in Excel
555 Filter strings containing a given substring in a cell range
556 Filter overlapping date ranges
557 Concatenate cell values
558 Tracking a stock portfolio #2
559 Create a drop down calendar
560 Monthly calendar template
561 Count unique distinct records
562 Compare tables: Filter records occurring only in one table
563 Lookup and return multiple values concatenated into one cell
564 Create a Print button – macro
565 Save invoice data – VBA
566 Extract unique distinct values based on the 4 last characters
567 Apply dependent combo box selections to a filter
568 Sort rows based on frequency and criteria
569 True round-robin tournament
570 Create a random playlist
571 Team Generator
572 Filter unique strings from a cell range
573 Vlookup with multiple matches returns a different value
574 Extract a unique distinct list and sum amounts based on a condition
575 Populate cells dynamically in a weekly schedule
576 Create numbers based on numerical ranges
577 Find empty hours in a weekly schedule
578 Create dependent drop down lists containing unique distinct values
579 Extract a unique distinct list sorted from A to Z ignore blanks
580 Extract dates from overlapping date ranges
581 Convert date ranges into dates
582 List dates outside specified date ranges
583 Plot date ranges in a calendar
584 How to use absolute and relative references
585 Identify overlapping date ranges
586 Merge two columns with possible blank cells
587 List all unique distinct rows in a given month
588 Filter duplicates within same date, week or month
589 Remove duplicates within same month or year
590 Automate net asset value (NAV) calculation on your stock portfolio
591 Split data across multiple sheets – VBA
592 Merge Ranges Add-In
593 Match two criteria and return multiple records
594 Create number series
595 Extract unique distinct values if the value contains the given string
596 How to return a value if lookup value is in a range
597 VLOOKUP/XLOOKUP of three columns to pull a single record
598 Excel solver examples
599 Identify numbers in sum using Excel solver
600 Formula for matching a date within a date range
601 Find the most recent date that meets a particular condition
602 Most frequent value between two dates
603 Create a quartely date range
604 5 easy ways to VLOOKUP and return multiple values
605 Extract unique distinct values sorted based on sum of adjacent values
606 Filter unique values from a cell range
607 Filter unique values sorted from A to Z
608 Extract all rows from a range that meet criteria in one column
609 Create unique distinct list sorted based on text length
610 How to list unique distinct values sorted by frequency
611 Extract unique distinct values sorted from A to Z
612 Extract numbers from a column
613 Extract unique distinct values A to Z from a range and ignore blanks
614 Find min and max unique and duplicate numerical values
615 Reverse a list ignoring blanks
616 Perform multiple partial matches and return records – AND logic
617 Filter values in common between two cell ranges
618 Filter values occurring in range 1 but not in range 2
619 Sort a range from A to Z [Array formula]
620 Extract duplicates from a multi-column cell range
621 Search for a text string in a data set and return multiple records
622 Count a specific text string in a cell
623 Sort text cells alphabetically from two columns
624 Merge cell ranges into one list
625 How to perform a two-dimensional lookup
626 Extract a list of duplicates from three columns combined
627 Extract a list of duplicates from a column
628 Extract a unique distinct list from three columns
629 Extract a unique distinct list from two columns
630 How to create date ranges in Excel
631 Find missing numbers
632 Count unique distinct values
633 Split values equally into groups
634 Populate drop down list with unique distinct values sorted from A to Z
635 How to highlight duplicate values
636 Lookup the nearest date
637 Partial match with two conditions and return multiple results
638 Filter unique distinct values based on a date range
639 Advanced Date Highlighting Techniques in Excel
640 How to rank text uniquely without duplicates
641 Sort column based on frequency
642 Partial match for multiple strings – AND logic
643 Sum unique numbers
644 Extract a unique distinct list sorted from A to Z
645 How to quickly find the maximum or minimum value [Formula]
646 Working with unique values
647 5 easy ways to extract Unique Distinct Values
648 Sort a column alphabetically
649 Extract unique distinct values from a multi-column cell range
650 Calculate machine utilization
651 Extract a unique distinct list and ignore blanks
652 Extract records between two dates
653 Extract shared values between two columns
654 How to extract email addresses from an Excel sheet
655 Filter unique distinct records
656 What values are missing in List 1 that exists i List 2?
657 Find closest value
658 How to use the OFFSET function
659 Cleaning Up Excel Worksheets: Eliminating Blank Cells, Rows, and Errors
660 Find the smallest number in a list that is larger than a given number
661 Print consecutive page numbers across multiple worksheets
662 Excel chart components
663 How to improve worksheet readability in Excel